首页 > 解决方案 > 找不同的游戏


我有三个数组,所有这些都基本相同。它们都以 50 个条目开头,并且都是整数数组。然而,其中一个立即充满了大值,而另外两个则以通常的 0,0,0 开头,... 是什么让这个数组与众不同?按照提供一个最小示例的建议,我在下面发布了一个。它可能可以进一步减少,但我留下所有打印语句只是为了说明这是一个 Heisenbug 的情况。事实上,如果我删除更多行,问题可能就不会出现,我想确保它出现以便可以取消它。

  int main() {
   int assignments;
   int i; /*for loop index for both loops*/
   int days_late[50], scores[50], weights[50];
   scanf(" %d",&assignments);
   /*assigns assignment data from input to days_late, scores, weights*/
   for(i=0; i<assignments; i++){
     int index;
     printf(" Index scanned: %d",scanf(" %d",&index));
     printf(" Index is: %d",index);
     printf("\nScore just added is %d",scores[index]);
     printf("\nWeight just added is %d",weights[index]);
     printf("\nLateness just added is %d",days_late[index]);
     printf("\nIndex is %d",index);
     printf(" Variables scanned: %d",scanf(" %d%d%d",&scores[index],&weights[index],&days_late[index]));
     printf("\nScore just added is %d",scores[index]);
     printf("\nWeight just added is %d",weights[index]);
     printf("\nLateness just added is %d",days_late[index]);
/*anything past this point is not neccessary, the error has already occurred*/


Index scanned: 1 Index is: 2
Score just added is -1793035504
Weight just added is 0
Lateness just added is 0
Index is 2 Variables scanned: 0
Score just added is -1793035504
Weight just added is 0
Lateness just added is 0 Index scanned: 0 Index is: 2
Score just added is -1793035504
Weight just added is 0
Lateness just added is 0
Index is 2 Variables scanned: 0
Score just added is -1793035504
Weight just added is 0
Lateness just added is 0


编辑:我已经嵌套了 scanf 和 printf 来检查有多少变量被成功扫描,返回的数字是我所期望的。所以没有新信息。


10 0 Y
2, 80, 40, 0
1, 100, 60, 0


2, 80, 40, 0
1, 100, 60, 0

标签: cc89


问题是你在逻辑上试图把“本末倒置”。程序流程是顺序的。在尝试输出存储的值之前,您需要读取并存储您正在寻找的值。在您的代码中,您尝试在获得输入以填充值(或在声明期间初始化值)之前输出未初始化的(例如indeterminate)值。如上所述,这会导致Undefined Behavior

C11 标准 - 6.7.9 初始化(p10) “如果具有自动存储持续时间的对象未显式初始化,则其值是不确定的。” C11 标准 - J.2 未定义行为“具有自动存储持续时间的对象的值在不确定时使用(6.2.4、6.7.9、6.8)。”


查看您的代码,您似乎想提示用户输入的数量,assignments然后循环输入数组元素score, weightdays_late然后显示输入的内容以确认输入。

使问题复杂化的是,您尝试让用户index在将存储值的数组中输入 (很好,但如果您正在循环获取输入,则没有必要)。此外,该index值必须在每个数组中的元素范围内,例如0 <= index < 50. 在使用它之前验证index范围内的落差取决于您 - 或者您将通过尝试写入和读取数组边界之外的值再次调用未定义行为。



#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) {

    int assignments,
        i,                      /* for loop index for both loops */
        days_late[50] = {0},    /* initialize arrays all zero */
        scores[50] = {0}, 
        weights[50] = {0};

    fputs ("\nEnter No. assignments: ", stdout);    /* prompt for no. assignments */
    /* VALIDATE EVERY INPUT - both the conversion and that the value is within range */
    if (scanf("%d", &assignments) != 1 || assignments < 0 || assignments > 49) {
        fputs ("error: invalid integer input or input out of range.\n", stderr);
        return 1;

    /* loop assignments times */
    for (i = 0; i < assignments; i++) {
        /* display assignment no. prompt for score, weight, days_late */
        printf ("\nassignment[%2d]\nenter score, weight, days_late: ", i + 1);
        if (scanf ("%d%d%d",    /* read and VALIDATE each value */
                    &scores[i], &weights[i], &days_late[i]) != 3) {
            fputs ("error: invalid integer input - scores, weights, days_late.\n", 
            return 1;
        /* output values read */
        printf ("\nScore just added is %d\n"
                "Weight just added is %d\n"
                "Lateness just added is %d\n",
                scores[i], weights[i], days_late[i]);
    return 0;

请注意,您可以更优雅地处理错误检查,以便在输入(或EOF生成)有效条目之前重新提示用户,但在输入逻辑解决后留给您。有关示例,请参阅C 中 isalpha 函数未返回正确值的答案— 将所有输入标记为 AZ 字符。


$ ./bin/scoreswtsdays_late

Enter No. assignments: 2

assignment[ 1]
enter score, weight, days_late: 88 1 0

Score just added is 88
Weight just added is 1
Lateness just added is 0

assignment[ 2]
enter score, weight, days_late: 91 1 2

Score just added is 91
Weight just added is 1
Lateness just added is 2



虽然我们仍然不清楚第一行的含义,但鉴于您剩余的描述,assignments从第 2 行读取,然后循环assignments读取index, scores, weights, days_late是相当简单的。

由于您正在阅读一行,因此您将需要使用面向行的输入功能,例如fgets()(或 POSIX getline())。注意面向行的函数读取并'\n'在它们填充的缓冲区中包含每行末尾sscanf

要处理您的输入文件,只需读取前两行中的每一行以获得读取文件其余部分所需的信息。不要忘记验证assignments从第 2 行读取的值是否在数组边界范围内。

从第 3 行开始,只需读取该行,然后使用sscanf验证每行发生的预期转换次数来解析该行中的值。这些值很容易从带有格式字符串的行中解析出来 "%d, %d, %d, %d"


#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXC 1024       /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */

int main (void) {

    char buf[MAXC];             /* character array used as buffer for input */
    int assignments,
        i = 0,                  /* loop counter */
        days_late[50] = {0},    /* initialize arrays all zero */
        scores[50] = {0}, 
        weights[50] = {0};

    if (!fgets (buf, MAXC, stdin)) {    /* read/validate line 1 */
        fputs ("error: insufficient input - line 1\n", stderr);
        return 1;
    /* parsing the 3 values left to you until description given */
    printf ("line 1: %s", buf);       /* simply output line 1 */

    if (!fgets (buf, MAXC, stdin)) {    /* read/validate line 2 */
        fputs ("error: insufficient input - line 1\n", stderr);
        return 1;
    /* parse assignments from buf, validate in range */
    if (sscanf (buf, "%d", &assignments) != 1 || assignments < 0 || assignments > 49) {
        fputs ("error: invalid assignments values line - 2\n", stderr);
        return 1;

    while (i < assignments && fgets (buf, MAXC, stdin)) {
        int index, score, weight, dayslate; /* temporary value to read into */
        /* parse values from line, VALIDATE 4 conversion took place */
        if (sscanf (buf, "%d, %d, %d, %d", &index, &score, &weight, &dayslate) != 4 ||
                    index < 0 || index > 49) {
            fputs ("error: invalid line format, lines 3+, or index out of range\n", 
            return 1;
        scores[index] = score;          /* assign values to array[index] */
        weights[index] = weight;
        days_late[index] = dayslate;

        /* output values read */
        printf ("\nassignment[%2d]:\n"
                "  Score just added is   : %d\n"
                "  Weight just added is  : %d\n"
                "  Lateness just added is: %d\n",
                index, scores[index], weights[index], days_late[index]);
        i++;    /* increment counter */
    return 0;



$ ./bin/scoreswtsdays_late_file < dat/scoreswtsdays.txt
line 1: 10 0 Y

assignment[ 2]:
  Score just added is   : 80
  Weight just added is  : 40
  Lateness just added is: 0

assignment[ 1]:
  Score just added is   : 100
  Weight just added is  : 60
  Lateness just added is: 0

