首页 > 解决方案 > 无法使用 Helm Push Artifactory 插件将 helm 包存档推送到工件


我一直在尝试将由helm package命令创建的工件发布到工件。我通过安装helm client在本地Windows 10笔记本电脑上设置环境。我可以通过helm package命令创建图表档案。创建包后,我尝试将包发布到工件存储库(本地工件 pro 实例)。

Helm 要求通过helm repo add 命令将需要推送包的存储库添加为 repo 。但在执行helm repo add命令之前,应该在创建 repo 时将 artifactory repo 配置为Helm Chart Repository。在成功执行helm repo add后,我尝试将存档推送到该工件位置。 https://github.com/belitre/helm-push-artifactory-plugin是我用来将存档发布到 artifactory 的插件。但是,一旦我执行命令helm push-artifactory,我就会不断出错:

    Error: 400: could not properly parse response JSON: 
    HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request
    Type Status Report
    Message Invalid URI
    Description The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).


编辑 1:开始

添加 repo 的命令:

helm repo add helm-chart-artifcatory-repo http://localhost:8081/artifactory/helm-chart-artifactory-repo/ --username myadminusername --password myadminpass
"helm-chart-artifcatory-repo" has been added to your repositories


helm push-artifactory xyz-demofile-0.1.1.tgz http://localhost:8081/artifactory/helm-chart-artifactory-repo --username myadminusername --password myadminpass

编辑 1:结束

标签: kubernetesartifactorykubernetes-helm

