首页 > 解决方案 > Spring Boot 和 JPA:CriterialBuilder 检查字符串是否包含表达式


1.) 我想使用表达式和字符串模式获得表达式。如果表达式包含在字符串模式中而不是其他方式,则它应该成为 true。

字符串模式可能看起来像“MFD”或“MF”或三个字母 M、F、D 的任何其他组合。表达式为 M、F 或 D。


public class AthleteSpecification implements Specification<Athlete> {

    private String gender;

    public AthleteSpecification(String gender) {
        this.gender = gender;

    public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Athlete> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
        Predicate p = cb.disjunction();

        if (this.gender == null) {
            return cb.conjunction();
        } else {

            Expression<Boolean> isMaleOrFemaleorDivers;

            if (this.gender != null) {

//              This is a working solution but not nice         
                Expression<Boolean> isMale = cb.equal(root.get("gender"), gender.contains("M") ? "M" : "");
                Expression<Boolean> isMaleOrFemale = cb.or(isMale,
                        cb.equal(root.get("gender"), gender.contains("F") ? "F" : ""));
                isMaleOrFemaleorDivers = cb.or(isMaleOrFemale,
                        cb.equal(root.get("gender"), gender.contains("D") ? "D" : ""));

//              This is not a solution because i think it only checks if the String is in the Expression<String> not the other way
//              Expression<Integer> test = cb.locate(root.get("gender"), gender);
//              isMaleOrFemaleorDivers = cb.greaterThan(test, 0);

            } else {
                isMaleOrFemaleorDivers = cb.conjunction();

            p.getExpressions().add(cb.and(isNameMatching, isMaleOrFemaleorDivers));

            return p;



标签: spring-bootspring-data-jpajpql

