首页 > 解决方案 > 如何创建一个可滚动区域,该区域可随浏览器调整大小,但在相当大的区域上方和下方也有固定的内容区域?




下面的示例代码是我正在使用的 HTML 的概要。我有一个标题和过滤器 div 需要保留在内容框的顶部,而底部的按钮需要保持“锚定”在浏览器窗口的底部。

表格(或包含 div)需要增长以填充中间的所有空间,并且当内容区域中间的窗口内容太大时,需要出现滚动条。

<!-- site template content above -->
<div id="where the content is loaded for all pages">
  <div class="page-title"> <!-- Needs to stay at the top of the content box. SHOULD NOT vertically scroll out of view. -->
    Show a title, at the top of the page!
  <div class="filters"> <!-- Should stay at the top, anchored below the Page Title div. -->
    <input type=text value="blah blah blah" />
  <div class="fill-until-scrollable"> <!-- This needs to grow to fit (both x & y) as the browser window grows. -->
    <table> <!-- This table can have a lot of data. Assume it's height to be 100% of it's content, however, the fill-until-scrollable parent will need to have proper overflow/sizing CSS settings so that if the table data will be scrollable if it's to large for the window, without hiding the buttons below. -->
  <div class="action-buttons"> <!-- This needs to be the full width of the page, anchored at the bottom of the browser window. -->
<!-- site template content below -->


标签: htmlcss


只要你的容器在某处有一个设定的高度,Flexbox 就可以让你解决这个问题。

.page {
  width: 100%;
  display: flex;
  height: 100vh;
  flex-direction: column;
  overflow: hidden;

.action-buttons {
  width: 100%;
  flex: 0 0 auto;

.fill-until-scrollable {
  flex: 1 1 0;
  overflow: auto;

/* Just for the demo… delete these after */
.page { height: 40vh; /* I'm guessing 100vh in your case? */ }
.fill-until-scrollable table { display: block; height: 250vh; background: linear-gradient(00deg, grey, pink); }
<!-- site template content above -->
<div class="page" id="where the content is loaded for all pages">
  <div class="page-title"> <!-- Needs to stay at the top of the content box. SHOULD NOT vertically scroll out of view. -->
    Show a title, at the top of the page!
  <div class="filters"> <!-- Should stay at the top, anchored below the Page Title div. -->
    <input type=text value="blah blah blah" />
  <div class="fill-until-scrollable"> <!-- This needs to grow to fit (both x & y) as the browser window grows. -->
    <table> <!-- This table can have a lot of data. Assume it's height to be 100% of it's content, however, the fill-until-scrollable parent will need to have proper overflow/sizing CSS settings so that if the table data will be scrollable if it's to large for the window, without hiding the buttons below. -->
  <div class="action-buttons"> <!-- This needs to be the full width of the page, anchored at the bottom of the browser window. -->
<!-- site template content below -->
