首页 > 解决方案 > 刽子手游戏错误


所以这几乎可以工作,输入最后一个字符时只是一个错误,由于某种原因它检测为错误字符。我试过在 GDB 中调试它,但不知道为什么会这样

同样在任何人评论这都是 C 代码之前,我们的教授希望我们从一个 C 程序开始,然后将其更改为 C++,因为我们将它构建成一个带有图形等的成熟游戏。



#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#define MAX_INPUT 1024

void updateAvailableLetters(char *_arrAvailableLetters[0], char _currentLetter);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc == 0)
        srand(time(NULL)); //seeds the rand() function with the number of seconds since epoch date so rand() will change
        srand((int)argv[1]); //seeds the rand() function with the command line argument

    const char arrLetters[] = {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}; //array of letters to be used
    char *arrLettersMem = (char*)malloc(strlen(arrLetters)+1); //memory for strcpy
    char *arrAvailableLetters[] = {strcpy(arrLettersMem, arrLetters)}; //array of available letters which will be updated
    const char *arrWordList[] = {"hello", "goodbye", "this", "is", "a", "game"}; //array of secret words
    int iWordCount = sizeof(arrWordList)/sizeof(arrWordList[0]); //number of words in the array

    printf("This is my hangman game. Please guess a letter to avoid the hangman!\n");

    while (true) //main game loop
        const char *pCurrentWord = arrWordList[rand() % iWordCount]; //randomly select a word
        int iWordLength = strlen(pCurrentWord); //selected word length
        char *pCurrentWordMem = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*pCurrentWord * iWordLength)); //pointer to the dynamically allocated memory 
        char *pCurrentWordCopy = strcpy(pCurrentWordMem, pCurrentWord); //copy of selected word
        char *pBlankWord = (char*) memset(pCurrentWordCopy,'-',iWordLength); //letters found so far
        int iLettersGuessed = 0; //number of correct guesses
        int iWrongGuessesLeft = 8;
        bool inWord = false;

        while(iWrongGuessesLeft > 0 && iLettersGuessed != iWordLength)
            char c;
            while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF){
                char currentLetter = tolower(c); 
                inWord = false;
                if (strchr(arrLetters, currentLetter) == NULL) //quick validation
                    printf("Please try a letter from a-z!\n");

                // char compare = *strchr(arrAvailableLetters[0], currentLetter);
                // if (strchr(arrAvailableLetters[0], currentLetter) != NULL){
                if (strchr(arrAvailableLetters[0], currentLetter) == NULL){ //is the current letter already chosen?
                        printf("You have already chosen %c, guess again!\n", currentLetter);
                //is the currentLetter in the chosen word?
                    for (int i = 0; i < iWordLength - 1; i++){
                        if(currentLetter == pCurrentWord[i]){
                            pBlankWord[i] = currentLetter;
                            updateAvailableLetters(arrAvailableLetters, currentLetter);
                            printf("*** CORRECT GUESS *** - %c IS in the word!\n", currentLetter);
                            printf("Guess a letter for the word: %s\n", pBlankWord);
                            printf("You have %d guesses left, and have guessed %d letters so far.\n", iWrongGuessesLeft, iLettersGuessed);
                            printf("Available letters are: %s\n", arrAvailableLetters[0]);
                            inWord = true;

                if (inWord == false){
                    // for (int j = 0; j < iWordLength - 1; j++){
                    //     if(currentLetter != pCurrentWord[j]){
                            updateAvailableLetters(arrAvailableLetters, currentLetter);
                            // *strchr(arrAvailableLetters[0], currentLetter) = '.'; //update available letters
                            printf("!!! WRONG GUESS !!! - %c IS NOT in the word!\n", currentLetter);
                            printf("Guess a letter for the word: %s\n", pBlankWord);
                            printf("You have %d wrong guesses left, and have guessed %d letters so far.\n", iWrongGuessesLeft, iLettersGuessed);
                            printf("Available letters are: %s\n", arrAvailableLetters[0]);
                    //     }
                    // }

            // if (currentLetter == *pCurrentWord) //is the currentLetter in the currentWord
            // {
            //     *pBlankWord = currentLetter;
            //     iLettersGuessed++;
            //     for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++){ //updates arrAvailableLetters with '.'
            //         if (arrAvailableLetters[0][i] == currentLetter){
            //             arrAvailableLetters[0][i] = '.';
            //             break;
            //         }
            //     }
            //     // *strchr(arrAvailableLetters[0], currentLetter) = '.'; //update available letters
            //     printf("*** CORRECT GUESS *** - %c IS in the word!\n", currentLetter);
            //     printf("Guess a letter for the word: %s\n", pBlankWord);
            //     printf("You have %d guesses left, and have guessed %d letters so far.\n", iWrongGuessesLeft, iLettersGuessed);
            //     printf("Available letters are: %s\n", arrAvailableLetters[0]);
            //     pCurrentWord++;
            // }
            // else
            // {
            //     iWrongGuessesLeft--;
            //     for (int q = 0; q < 26; q++){
            //         if (arrAvailableLetters[0][q] == currentLetter){
            //             arrAvailableLetters[0][q] = '.';
            //             break;
            //         }
            //     }
            //     // *strchr(arrAvailableLetters[0], currentLetter) = '.'; //update available letters
            //     printf("!!! WRONG GUESS !!! - %c IS NOT in the word!\n", currentLetter);
            //     printf("Guess a letter for the word: %s\n", pBlankWord);
            //     printf("You have %d wrong guesses left, and have guessed %d letters so far.\n", iWrongGuessesLeft, iLettersGuessed);
            //     printf("Available letters are: %s\n", arrAvailableLetters[0]);
            // }
            // }



        char buffer[MAX_INPUT];
        if (iWrongGuessesLeft == 0)
            printf("Oh no, you got hanged! Do you want to try again y/n?");
            while (fgets(buffer,MAX_INPUT,stdin) != NULL)
                if (buffer[0] == 'y' || buffer[0] == 'Y') 
                else if (buffer[0] == 'n' || buffer[0] == 'N') 
                    return 0;
                    printf("Enter (y/n)\n");

        if (iLettersGuessed == iWordLength)
            printf("Congratulations, you guessed the word! Do you want to try again y/n?");
            while (fgets(buffer,MAX_INPUT,stdin) != NULL)
                if (buffer[0] == 'y' || buffer[0] == 'Y') 
                else if (buffer[0] == 'n' || buffer[0] == 'N') 
                    return 0;
                    printf("Enter (y/n)\n");

void updateAvailableLetters(char *_arrAvailableLetters[0], char _currentLetter)
    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++){ //updates arrAvailableLetters with '.'
            if (_arrAvailableLetters[0][i] == _currentLetter){
                _arrAvailableLetters[0][i] = '.';

标签: c



for (int i = 0; i < iWordLength - 1; i++){


for (int i = 0; i < iWordLength; i++){
