首页 > 解决方案 > 基于 TypeScript Generic 设置变量


是否可以基于 TypeScript Generic 设置变量?

class Foo<T> {
  constructor() {
    // This doesn't actually work but it's essentially what I would like to do
    const myKey = (T extends number ? 'myNumber' : null);

这是一个更完整的示例,可以在外部 IDE 中运行。这里的目标是使用适当的泛型 (Dog | Cat) 实例化Animal该类,同时还使构造函数能够获取从getUpdate. 在下面的示例中,这是通过myKey. 重申一下我原来的问题,有没有办法在实例化类时不让“狗”出现 2 次来执行所有这些操作?

interface Dog {
  bark: string;

interface Cat {
  meow: string;

type AnimalType<T> =
  T extends Dog ? Dog :
    T extends Cat ? Cat : null;

const getUpdate = (): Record<string, Dog | Cat> => ({
  dog: { bark: 'woof' },
  cat: { meow: 'meow' },

class Animal<T> {
  public state!: AnimalType<T>;

  constructor(myKey: 'dog' | 'cat') {
    this.state = getUpdate()[myKey] as AnimalType<T>;
// dogInstance is of type `Animal<Dog>` with a state of `{ bark: 'woof' }`
const dogInstance = new Animal<Dog>('dog');

标签: typescript




class Foo<T> {
  constructor(key: T extends number ? 'myNumber' : null) {
    const myKey = key;

const foo = new Foo<number>('myNumber'); // only possible option is 'myNumber'
const fooNull = new Foo<null>(null); // only possible option is null

