首页 > 解决方案 > Header menu navigates from another page to another to a specific section


how to do such a redirect. I have a menu with "Home" "about us", "customers", "contact" and now, just like I'm on the main page, I have anchored on the same page references to "about us" and "contact" so after clicking I will scroll to section. But I have "clients" on a different page, so redirects me to the other subpage and now from the other one I would like to redirect to the "contact on the main page" section. My site is on wordpress and I use elementor to do it, please help. Thank you

标签: wordpresselementor


首先将 id 分配给部分,例如 --> https://prnt.sc/r1ov1y ,id=clients

链接: https://(siteUrl/pageUrl)#clients
