首页 > 解决方案 > Instagram displaying lasts posts in IONIC 4 applications


I've developed an IONIC 4 application which uses as backend an Wordpress site. All good until I decided to display on a page my lasts instagram photos. ( So nothing fancy, just some gallery with lasts photos)

The thing is, on Wordpress I have an Instagram plugin which does that, and I'd like to know If I can use the already generated token from Wordpress in my IONIC 4 application.

The Wordpress plugin is called Edge instagram widget, and basicly I've already done the steps necessary for authenticating my website, and retrieve a valid Instagram token.

标签: wordpressinstagramionic4instagram-api


在 SO 上挖掘更多内容时,我偶然发现了我的问题的答案。实际上 Instagram 令牌在我的站点数据库中,因此将其与此 anwser一起使用将检索 instagram 上的最后媒体帖子。

您可以将输出格式化为 html 或 json,具体取决于您希望如何处理结果。

