首页 > 解决方案 > 使用媒体查询的徽标及其位置问题


正如标题所述,我的此作业的徽标需要以不同的屏幕尺寸出现在屏幕的某些区域中。我已经正确实现了移动定位,但我似乎找不到 ipad 和大屏幕徽标定位的解决方案。

对于大屏幕,徽标需要直接位于第一个.product元素上方的中心,在我的例子中是Apple 中的 A


对于 ipad 屏幕,徽标需要位于屏幕左边缘和居中h1元素之间的中间



我意识到css它的位置设置为float:left但我已将其更改为display:flex和各种flexbox属性,但它最终产生了更多问题。我已经更改了每个徽标的位置,@media query但徽标总是最终保持在原位或远离它需要的位置。


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    <div class="logo"><img src="https://uploads.codesandbox.io/uploads/user/6eb75550-4d51-47fd-8ec1-d216b5da5e5c/M4sq-logo.jpeg" /></div>
    <h1>The ABC Company</h1>
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    <ul class="menu">
    <section class="product">
      <i class="fas fa-apple-alt fa-5x"></i>
      <h2>A as in Apple</h2>
        We take out fruit very seriously at ABC, that is why the A in ABC is for Apple. Try our new AppleBook App, the coolest new technology disrupting the fruit industry. This is the Uber of Apples!
    <section class="product">
      <i class="fas fa-money-bill-wave fa-5x"></i>
      <h2>B as in Bail</h2>
        Do you need Bail! Our new BailFace app will provide you with lawyers and bail money at the push of a button. Its the Facebook of bail bonds!
    <section class="product">
      <i class="fas fa-utensils fa-5x"></i>
      <h2>C as in Curry</h2>

        Fancy some curry! Our new HurryCurry app will provide curry cooked by Italian chefs right to your door. Its the AirBnB of curry!
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标签: htmlcsswebflexboxresponsive



<html lang="en">
    <title>Parcel Sandbox</title>
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        <div class="logo"><img src="https://uploads.codesandbox.io/uploads/user/6eb75550-4d51-47fd-8ec1-d216b5da5e5c/M4sq-logo.jpeg"/></div>
        <h1>The ABC Company</h1>
    <nav class="navbar">
        <div class="hamburger">&#9776;</div>
        <ul class="menu">
    <section class="product">
         <i class="fas fa-apple-alt fa-5x"></i>
            <h2>A as in Apple</h2>
            We take out fruit very seriously at ABC, that is why
            the A in ABC is for Apple. Try our new AppleBook App,
            the coolest new technology disrupting the fruit industry.
            This is the Uber of Apples! 
        <section class="product">
            <i class="fas fa-money-bill-wave fa-5x"></i>
            <h2>B as in Bail</h2>
                Do you need Bail! Our new BailFace app will provide you
                with lawyers and bail money at the push of a button. Its the 
                Facebook of bail bonds!
        <section class="product">
            <i class="fas fa-utensils fa-5x"></i>
            <h2>C as in Curry</h2>

                Fancy some curry! Our new HurryCurry app will provide curry
                cooked by Italian chefs right to your door. Its the AirBnB of curry!
        <ul class="social">
            <li class="social_icon"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></li>
            <li class="social_icon"><i class="fab fa-facebook"></i></li>
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