首页 > 解决方案 > 即使从数组中删除/修改/更改,仍然会出现相同的问题(android studio)



所以,基本上我有用于我的问答游戏问题的 SQLite 数据库

它基本上是有效的:它有 20 个问题供用户正确回答,但我想换东西,我添加了一个难度设置简单 - 10 个简单问题中等 - 15 个困难问题 - 20 个问题


有效。但是问题仍然相同(所有 20 个问题仍然存在)。我什至尝试删除数组中的所有问题(当应该没有问题时,因为我将它们全部删除了)并且相同的 20 个问题在那里。

tldr:无论是否从数组中删除/添加/编辑,仍然会显示相同的 20 个问题

private Context context;
private static final String DB_NAME = "TQuiz.db";

//If you want to add more questions or wanna update table values
//or any kind of modification in db just increment version no.
private static final int DB_VERSION = 3;
//Table name
private static final String TABLE_NAME = "TQ";
//Id of question
private static final String UID = "_UID";
private static final String QUESTION = "QUESTION";
//Option A
private static final String OPTA = "OPTA";
//Option B
private static final String OPTB = "OPTB";
//Option C
private static final String OPTC = "OPTC";
//Option D
private static final String OPTD = "OPTD";
private static final String ANSWER = "ANSWER";
//So basically we are now creating table with first column-id , sec column-question , third column -option A, fourth column -option B , Fifth column -option C , sixth column -option D , seventh column - answer(i.e ans of  question)
private static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " ( " + UID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , " + QUESTION + " VARCHAR(255), " + OPTA + " VARCHAR(255), " + OPTB + " VARCHAR(255), " + OPTC + " VARCHAR(255), " + OPTD + " VARCHAR(255), " + ANSWER + " VARCHAR(255));";
//Drop table query
private static final String DROP_TABLE = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_NAME;

TriviaQuizHelper(Context context) {
    super(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION);
    this.context = context;

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase) {
    //OnCreate is called only once

public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase, int i, int i1) {
    //OnUpgrade is called when ever we upgrade or increment our database version no

void allQuestion() {
    ArrayList<TriviaQuestion> arraylist = new ArrayList<>();

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Galileo was an Italian astronomer who developed?" , "Telescope", "Airoplane", "Electricity", "Train", "Telescope"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who is the father of Geometry ?" , "Aristotle", "Euclid", "Pythagoras", "Kepler", "Euclid"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who was known as Iron man of India ?", "Govind Ballabh Pant", "Jawaharlal Nehru", "Subhash Chandra Bose", "Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel", "Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("The first woman in space was ?", "Valentina Tereshkova", "Sally Ride", "Naidia Comenci", "Tamara Press", "Valentina Tereshkova"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who is the Flying Sikh of India ?", "Mohinder Singh", "Joginder Singh", "Ajit Pal Singh", "Milkha singh", "Milkha singh"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("The Indian to beat the computers in mathematical wizardry is", "Ramanujam", "Rina Panigrahi", "Raja Ramanna", "Shakunthala Devi", "Shakunthala Devi"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who is Larry Pressler ?", "Politician", "Painter", "Actor", "Tennis player", "Politician"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Michael Jackson is a distinguished person in the field of ?", "Pop Music", "Jounalism", "Sports", "Acting", "Pop Music"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("The first Indian to swim across English channel was ?", "V. Merchant", "P. K. Banerji", "Mihir Sen", "Arati Saha", "Mihir Sen"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who was the first Indian to make a movie?", "Dhundiraj Govind Phalke", " Asha Bhonsle", " Ardeshir Irani", "V. Shantaram", "Dhundiraj Govind Phalke"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who is known as the ' Saint of the gutters ?", "B.R.Ambedkar", "Mother Teresa", "Mahatma Gandhi", "Baba Amte", "Mother Teresa"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who invented the famous formula E=mc^2", "Albert Einstein", "Galilio", "Sarvesh", "Bill Gates", "Albert Einstein"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who is elected as president of us 2016", "Donald Trump", "Hilary Clinton", "Jhon pol", "Barack Obama", "Donald Trump"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who was the founder of company Microsoft", "Bill Gates", "Bill Clinton", "Jhon rio", "Steve jobs", "Bill Gates"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who was the founder of company Apple ?", "Steve Jobs", "Steve Washinton", "Bill Gates", "Jobs Wills", "Steve Jobs"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who was the founder of company Google ?", "Steve Jobs", "Bill Gates", "Larry Page", "Sundar Pichai", "Larry Page"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("Who is know as god of cricket ?", "Sachin Tendulkar", "Kapil Dev", "Virat Koli", "Dhoni", "Sachin Tendulkar"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("who has won ballon d'or of 2015 ?", "Lionel Messi", "Cristiano Ronaldo", "Neymar", "Kaka", "Lionel Messi"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("who has won ballon d'or of 2014 ?", "Neymar", "Lionel Messi", "Cristiano Ronaldo", "Kaka", "Cristiano Ronaldo"));

    arraylist.add(new TriviaQuestion("the Founder of the most famous gaming platform steam is ?",
            "Bill Cliton", "Bill Williams", "Gabe Newell", "Bill Gates", "Gabe Newell"));



private void addAllQuestions(ArrayList<TriviaQuestion> allQuestions) {
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
    try {
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        for (TriviaQuestion question : allQuestions) {
            values.put(QUESTION, question.getQuestion());
            values.put(OPTA, question.getOptA());
            values.put(OPTB, question.getOptB());
            values.put(OPTC, question.getOptC());
            values.put(OPTD, question.getOptD());
            values.put(ANSWER, question.getAnswer());
            db.insert(TABLE_NAME, null, values);
    } finally {

List<TriviaQuestion> getAllOfTheQuestions() {

    List<TriviaQuestion> questionsList = new ArrayList<>();
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
    String coloumn[] = {UID, QUESTION, OPTA, OPTB, OPTC, OPTD, ANSWER};
    Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, coloumn, null, null, null, null, null);

    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        TriviaQuestion question = new TriviaQuestion();

    return questionsList;

标签: androidarrayssqliteandroid-sqlite


如果您复制了数据库类,但忘记更改表名 - 它可能导致数据重复。
