首页 > 解决方案 > C# LINQ Zipping 2 基于对象唯一性的列表列表


我正在尝试压缩 2 个对象列表列表 - 仅在生成的压缩列表包含不同对象列表的情况下(与列表 1 相比,列表 2 的列表有时具有重复的对象)。结果列表中的对象数量必须保持不变,这意味着我们不能有不同大小的列表。列表 1 中的列表数量大于列表 2 中的数量。这意味着在压缩时重复通过列表 2。


//this list of list contains the larger number of elements to which the 2nd list of list needs to be joined
List<List<object>> FullList = new List<List<object>>(); //is not empty - instantiated with some list

//2nd list of list - contains duplicates of the 1st list in terms of the objects in the underlying list
List<List<object>> comboBaseList = new List<List<object>>(); //is not empty - instantiated with some list
List<List<object>> comboList = comboBaseList;

//need to zip lists where there are no duplicate objects in the 2nd list's list, the count of the 1st list of list remains the same as FullList
List<List<object>> finalList = new List<List<object>>(); //empty - meant to hold final combined list

int i = 0;

foreach iList in FullList
    if (i < comboList.count)
        while (iList.Select(x => x.Id).Contains(comboList[i].Select(y => y.Id)))
            i += 1;
        finalList.Add(iList.Zip(comboList[i], (x, y) => x.Union(y))); //**CAN WE BYPASS THE LOOPS AND JUST USE LINQ?
        i = 0;
        comboList = comboBaseList;
        i = 0;

为了简化数据,我将使用整数列表列表——在我的例子中,这可能是对象的 ID

FullList = 

comboList = 

我想压缩上面的列表以产生如下结果 - 请注意,根据 FullList 有 3 个结果,并且不符合条件的列表具有不同的整数

finalList =

标签: c#linqnested-lists



var result = fullList
    .Select(original =>
       // We want the original sublist...
           // concatenated with...
           // ... any comboList element
               // which is completely distinct from "original"
               .Where(cl => !original.Intersect(cl).Any())
               // ... flattening all such comboLists
               .SelectMany(cl => cl))


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

class Program
    static void Main()
        var fullList = new[]
            new[] { 1, 2, 3 },
            new[] { 2, 5, 6 },
            new[] { 7, 8, 9 }

        var comboList = new[]
            new[] { 2, 5 },
            new[] { 8, 9 }

        var result = MergeCombinations(fullList, comboList);
        foreach (var item in result)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", item));

    static List<List<T>> MergeCombinations<T>(
        IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> fullList,
        IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> comboList)
        var result = fullList
            .Select(original =>
                // We want the original sublist...
                    // concatenated with...
                    // ... any comboList element
                           // which is completely distinct from "original"
                           .Where(cl => !original.Intersect(cl).Any())
                           // ... flattening all such comboLists
                          .SelectMany(cl => cl))
        return result;
