首页 > 解决方案 > Laravel 6:油门密码重置


在 laravel 6 中,密码代理现在具有以下限制密码重置(https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/6.x/src/Illuminate/Auth/Passwords/PasswordBroker.php#L58

public function sendResetLink(array $credentials)
    // First we will check to see if we found a user at the given credentials and
    // if we did not we will redirect back to this current URI with a piece of
    // "flash" data in the session to indicate to the developers the errors.
    $user = $this->getUser($credentials);

    if (is_null($user)) {
        return static::INVALID_USER;

    if (method_exists($this->tokens, 'recentlyCreatedToken') &&
        $this->tokens->recentlyCreatedToken($user)) {
        return static::RESET_THROTTLED;

    // Once we have the reset token, we are ready to send the message out to this
    // user with a link to reset their password. We will then redirect back to
    // the current URI having nothing set in the session to indicate errors.

    return static::RESET_LINK_SENT;

但是,当我反复提交密码重置时,为什么密码重置没有受到限制 - 我仍然收到重置通知?

我注意到该recentlyCreatedToken方法在 6.x 版本的 TokenRepositoryInterface 中不存在https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/6.x/src/Illuminate/Auth/Passwords/TokenRepositoryInterface.php

但已在 7.x 版本中添加


这只是 v7.x 的一个功能,还是我需要做一些我错过的事情?

标签: throttlingforgot-passwordlaravel-6.2


密码重置限制在 Laravel 6.x 中有效,但由于某种原因,您需要throttle在配置文件中手动设置参数config/auth.php

    'passwords' => [
        'users' => [
            'provider' => 'users',
            'table' => 'password_resets',
            'expire' => 60,
            'throttle' => 60, // Allows a user to request 1 token per 60 seconds

DatabaseTokenRepository将节流时间的默认值定义为 60 秒。但是当在PasswordBrokerManager中初始化 DatabaseTokenRepository 时,它会检查配置文件,如果没有找到值,则将节流时间设置为 0(意味着禁用节流)。


'throttled' => 'You have requested password reset recently, please check your email.',

PS不要忘记在编辑配置文件后刷新配置缓存php artisan config:clear
