首页 > 解决方案 > VBA:For循环在For块外执行代码


我有一个大的 For 循环,我用它来创建一个变体数组。当我尝试从我的一个潜艇调用该函数时,我收到“运行时错误'28':堆栈空间不足”。

函数本身完成时没有错误,但是,我注意到当我在 for 循环之外 print.debug ("complete") 时,它会不断地将 "complete" 打印到即时窗口。我复制并粘贴了一次调用该函数生成的“完成”,它产生了 199 次“完成”打印。

for 循环应该只运行 50 次迭代。它也不应该在 for 块之外的代码上进行迭代(至少我不希望它迭代)。



  1. 可能导致此错误的代码是否有问题。
  2. 有什么方法可以表示什么应该在 For 块中,什么应该在它之外?



另一个 sub 调用该函数,该函数取消隐藏从第 0 行的开始列到第 50 行的结束列的所有内容。然后,它只显示数组中月份和单选按钮标志匹配的条目的坐标。

Function a_pane_coords() As Variant
    'Will hold the visible column numbers for each month in the inputs pane and returns the result as an array.

    Dim months As Variant
    'Multidimensional array; 12 rows, 4 columns
    'Column 0 = month name; column 1 = radio button flag; column 2 = start_row for month; column 3 = end_row for month.
    Dim a_pane_cols(0 To 50, 0 To 3)
    Dim in_month_arr As Variant
    Dim quarters As Variant  'Will hold an array
    Dim start_col As Integer
    Dim end_col As Integer
    Dim visible_cols As Integer
    Dim space_cols As Integer
    Dim month_counter As Integer
    Dim quarter_counter As Integer
    Dim irow As Integer
    Dim icol As Integer

    'Radio button flags assigned to column 1:
    '  current month:    percent = m_pct;  hours = m_hrs;  financials = m_fin
    '  current quarter:  percent = q_pct;  hours = q_hrs;  financials = q_fin
    '  fiscal year:      percent = y_pct;  hours = y_hrs;  financials = y_fin

    'This variable is the number of columns that will be visible for each month section.  This should be one less than
    '   the actual number of visible columns since this is non-inclusive for the first column.
    '   Visible columns = start_row through start_row + increment. e.g. start_row = 8; end_row = 8 + 3 = 11
    visible_cols = 2

    'This variable is the number of columns between each month section.  When written, there was one column separating
    '  each month section. This is the iterator that dictates the start column for the next month section therefore, this should be equal to
    '  the number of spacing columns +1 to get to the next start_col.
    space_cols = 2

    'Calls the in_month_coords() function in order to find the last column of the month input panes
    in_month_arr = in_month_coords()
    'Sets the initial value for the end column to the to the last column of the month inputs pane.
    end_col = in_month_arr(11, 2)

    months = Array("June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May")
    month_counter = 0

    quarters = Array("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4")
    quarter_counter = 0

    For irow = 0 To 50
        If irow < 12 Then  'Rows 0 through 11 are monthly percent allocation panes.
            'Sets the first column equal to the month assigned in the months array
            a_pane_cols(irow, 0) = months(month_counter)
            'Sets the second column to the radio buttons designated above in the comments section
            a_pane_cols(irow, 1) = "m_pct"

            'Declare start column and assign it to column 1 in the month_cols array
            start_col = end_col + space_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 2) = start_col

            'Calculate end_column and assign it to column 2 in the month_cols array
            end_col = start_col + visible_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 3) = end_col

            'Increments the month counter in order to move to the next index of the month array on the next loop.
            month_counter = month_counter + 1

            'Resets the month counter for the next set of month panes.
            If month_counter >= 12 Then
                month_counter = 0
            End If
        ElseIf irow >= 12 And irow < 24 Then  'Rows 12 through 23 are hourly allocation panes.
            'Sets the first column equal to the month assigned in the months array
            a_pane_cols(irow, 0) = months(month_counter)
            'Sets the second column to the radio buttons designated above in the comments section
            a_pane_cols(irow, 1) = "m_hrs"

            'Declare start column and assign it to column 1 in the month_cols array
            start_col = end_col + space_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 2) = start_col

            'Calculate end_column and assign it to column 2 in the month_cols array
            end_col = start_col + visible_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 3) = end_col

            'Increments the month counter in order to move to the next index of the month array on the next loop.
            month_counter = month_counter + 1

            'Resets the month counter for the next set of month panes.
            If month_counter >= 12 Then
                month_counter = 0
            End If
        ElseIf irow >= 24 And irow < 36 Then 'Rows 24 through 35 are monthly financial panes.
            'Sets the first column equal to the month assigned in the months array
            a_pane_cols(irow, 0) = months(month_counter)
            'Sets the second column to the radio buttons designated above in the comments section
            a_pane_cols(irow, 1) = "m_fin"

            'Declare start column and assign it to column 1 in the month_cols array
            start_col = end_col + space_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 2) = start_col

            'Calculate end_column and assign it to column 2 in the month_cols array
            end_col = start_col + visible_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 3) = end_col

            'Increments the month counter in order to move to the next index of the month array on the next loop.
            month_counter = month_counter + 1

            'Resets the month counter for the next set of month panes.
            If month_counter >= 12 Then
                month_counter = 0
            End If
        ElseIf irow >= 36 And irow < 40 Then 'Rows 36 through 39 are quarterly percent panes.
            'Sets the first column equal to the month assigned in the months array
            a_pane_cols(irow, 0) = quarters(quarter_counter)
            'Sets the second column to the radio buttons designated above in the comments section
            a_pane_cols(irow, 1) = "q_pct"

            'Declare start column and assign it to column 1 in the month_cols array
            start_col = end_col + space_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 2) = start_col

            'Calculate end_column and assign it to column 2 in the month_cols array
            end_col = start_col + visible_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 3) = end_col

            'Increments the quarter counter in order to move to the next index of the quarters array on the next loop.
            quarter_counter = quarter_counter + 1

            'Resets the quarter counter for the next set of quarter panes.
            If quarter_counter >= 4 Then
                quarter_counter = 0
            End If
        ElseIf irow >= 40 And irow < 44 Then 'Rows 40 through 43 are quarterly hours panes.
            'Sets the first column equal to the month assigned in the months array
            a_pane_cols(irow, 0) = quarters(quarter_counter)
            'Sets the second column to the radio buttons designated above in the comments section
            a_pane_cols(irow, 1) = "q_hrs"

            'Declare start column and assign it to column 1 in the month_cols array
            start_col = end_col + space_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 2) = start_col

            'Calculate end_column and assign it to column 2 in the month_cols array
            end_col = start_col + visible_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 3) = end_col

            'Increments the quarter counter in order to move to the next index of the quarters array on the next loop.
            quarter_counter = quarter_counter + 1

            'Resets the quarter counter for the next set of quarter panes.
            If quarter_counter >= 4 Then
                quarter_counter = 0
            End If
        ElseIf irow >= 44 And irow < 48 Then 'Rows 44 through 47 are quarterly financial panes.
            'Sets the first column equal to the month assigned in the months array
            a_pane_cols(irow, 0) = quarters(quarter_counter)
            'Sets the second column to the radio buttons designated above in the comments section
            a_pane_cols(irow, 1) = "q_fin"

            'Declare start column and assign it to column 1 in the month_cols array
            start_col = end_col + space_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 2) = start_col

            'Calculate end_column and assign it to column 2 in the month_cols array
            end_col = start_col + visible_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 3) = end_col

            'Increments the quarter counter in order to move to the next index of the quarters array on the next loop.
            quarter_counter = quarter_counter + 1

            'Resets the quarter counter for the next set of quarter panes.
            If quarter_counter >= 4 Then
                quarter_counter = 0
            End If
        ElseIf irow = 48 Then 'Row 48 is an annual percent pane.
            'Sets the first column equal to the month assigned in the months array
            a_pane_cols(irow, 0) = "FY 2020"
            'Sets the second column to the radio buttons designated above in the comments section
            a_pane_cols(irow, 1) = "y_pct"

            'Declare start column and assign it to column 1 in the month_cols array
            start_col = end_col + space_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 2) = start_col

            'Calculate end_column and assign it to column 2 in the month_cols array
            end_col = start_col + visible_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 3) = end_col
        ElseIf irow = 49 Then 'Row 49 is an annual hours pane.
            'Sets the first column equal to the month assigned in the months array
            a_pane_cols(irow, 0) = "FY 2020"
            'Sets the second column to the radio buttons designated above in the comments section
            a_pane_cols(irow, 1) = "y_hrs"

            'Declare start column and assign it to column 1 in the month_cols array
            start_col = end_col + space_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 2) = start_col

            'Calculate end_column and assign it to column 2 in the month_cols array
            end_col = start_col + visible_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 3) = end_col
        ElseIf irow = 50 Then 'Row 50 is an annual financials pane.
            'Sets the first column equal to the month assigned in the months array
            a_pane_cols(irow, 0) = "FY 2020"
            'Sets the second column to the radio buttons designated above in the comments section
            a_pane_cols(irow, 1) = "y_fin"

            'Declare start column and assign it to column 1 in the month_cols array
            start_col = end_col + space_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 2) = start_col

            'Calculate end_column and assign it to column 2 in the month_cols array
            end_col = start_col + visible_cols
            a_pane_cols(irow, 3) = end_col
            Exit For
        End If

        ''***Uncomment this section to debug***
        '' Note: Because of the size of the array, Excel may freeze when printing to the immediate window #vba_sux***'
        'Debug.Print (a_pane_cols(irow, 0))
        'Debug.Print (a_pane_cols(irow, 1))
        'Debug.Print (a_pane_cols(irow, 2))
        'Debug.Print (a_pane_cols(irow, 3))
    Next irow

Debug.Print ("complete")
a_pane_coords() = a_pane_cols

End Function

标签: excelvba

