首页 > 解决方案 > 在 POM 设计模式中,哪些方法应该在 Page 类中?


我正在使用 POM 设计模式创建一个 UI 测试自动化框架。在阅读了页面对象的 SeleniumHQ 页面后,我正在考虑应该在页面对象中创建哪些所有方法。

让我们举一个登录页面对象的简单示例,该对象由用户名、密码文本框和提交按钮组成。SeleniumHQ 链接创建了以下方法:

1. typeUsername(String username)
2. typePassword(String password)
3. submitLogin()
4. submitLoginExceptionFailure()
5. loginAs(String username, String password)

看着这些方法,我有点困惑。当我已经在创建 loginAs 方法时,为什么要创建前 3 个方法(typeUsername、typePassword、submitLogin)。有什么想法吗?

SeleniumHQ 链接- https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/PageObjects

粘贴 LoginPage 的代码 PageObject 代码:

public class LoginPage {
    private final WebDriver driver;

    public LoginPage(WebDriver driver) {
        this.driver = driver;

        // Check that we're on the right page.
        if (!"Login".equals(driver.getTitle())) {
            // Alternatively, we could navigate to the login page, perhaps logging out first
            throw new IllegalStateException("This is not the login page");

    // The login page contains several HTML elements that will be represented as WebElements.
    // The locators for these elements should only be defined once.
        By usernameLocator = By.id("username");
        By passwordLocator = By.id("passwd");
        By loginButtonLocator = By.id("login");

    // The login page allows the user to type their username into the username field
    public LoginPage typeUsername(String username) {
        // This is the only place that "knows" how to enter a username

        // Return the current page object as this action doesn't navigate to a page represented by another PageObject
        return this;    

    // The login page allows the user to type their password into the password field
    public LoginPage typePassword(String password) {
        // This is the only place that "knows" how to enter a password

        // Return the current page object as this action doesn't navigate to a page represented by another PageObject
        return this;    

    // The login page allows the user to submit the login form
    public HomePage submitLogin() {
        // This is the only place that submits the login form and expects the destination to be the home page.
        // A seperate method should be created for the instance of clicking login whilst expecting a login failure. 

        // Return a new page object representing the destination. Should the login page ever
        // go somewhere else (for example, a legal disclaimer) then changing the method signature
        // for this method will mean that all tests that rely on this behaviour won't compile.
        return new HomePage(driver);    

    // The login page allows the user to submit the login form knowing that an invalid username and / or password were entered
    public LoginPage submitLoginExpectingFailure() {
        // This is the only place that submits the login form and expects the destination to be the login page due to login failure.

        // Return a new page object representing the destination. Should the user ever be navigated to the home page after submiting a login with credentials 
        // expected to fail login, the script will fail when it attempts to instantiate the LoginPage PageObject.
        return new LoginPage(driver);   

    // Conceptually, the login page offers the user the service of being able to "log into"
    // the application using a user name and password. 
    public HomePage loginAs(String username, String password) {
        // The PageObject methods that enter username, password & submit login have already defined and should not be repeated here.
        return submitLogin();

标签: seleniumpageobjects





