首页 > 解决方案 > 返回 true 的函数应该返回 false 吗?Python方法


class ClassicTicTacToe:
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes an empty Numerical Tic Tac Toe board.
        Inputs: none
        Returns: None
        self.board = [] # list of lists, where each internal list represents a row
        self.size = 3   # number of columns and rows of board

        # populate the empty squares in board with empty string
        for i in range(self.size):
            row = []
            for j in range(self.size):
                row.append(' ')

    def drawBoard(self):

        l1='    0   1   2'
        l2=' 0  %s | %s | %s' % (self.board[0][0],self.board[0][1],self.board[0][2])
        l3='   '+'-'*11
        l4=' 1  %s | %s | %s' % (self.board[1][0],self.board[1][1],self.board[1][2])
        l6=' 2  %s | %s | %s' % (self.board[2][0],self.board[2][1],self.board[2][2])


        Displays the current state of the board, formatted with column and row 
        indicies shown.
        Inputs: none
        Returns: None

    def squareIsEmpty(self, row, col):

        if self.board[row][col]==' ':
            return True
            return False

        Checks if a given square is empty, or if it already contains a number 
        greater than 0.
           row (int) - row index of square to check
           col (int) - column index of square to check
        Returns: True if square is empty; False otherwise

    # mark is a string for the users input of x or o
    def update(self, row, col, mark):

        if self.squareIsEmpty(row,col)==True:

            return True

        if self.squareIsEmpty(row,col)==False:

            return False
        Assigns the integer, num, to the board at the provided row and column, 
        but only if that square is empty.
           row (int) - row index of square to update
           col (int) - column index of square to update
           num (string) - entry to place in square
        Returns: True if attempted update was successful; False otherwise

    def boardFull(self):
        Checks if the board has any remaining empty squares.
        Inputs: none
        Returns: True if the board has no empty squares (full); False otherwise
        # TO DO: delete pass and complete method
        for i in self.board:
            # alternatively this could be range(len(self.board))
            for j in range(0,3):
                if i[j]!=' ':

        if len(nonempty_list)<self.size**2:
            return False
        return True

    def isWinner(self):

        for i in range(len(self.board)):
            if self.board[i][0]+self.board[i][1]+self.board[i][2]==(3*'x') or (3*'o'):
                #return self.board[i][0]+self.board[i][1]+self.board[i][2]
                return True
            if self.board[0][i]+self.board[1][i]+self.board[2][i]==(3*'x') or (3*'o'):
                #return self.board[0][i]+self.board[1][i]+self.board[2][i]
                return True

        if self.board[0][0]+self.board[2][2]+self.board[1][1]==(3*'x') or (3*'o'):
            #return self.board[0][0]+self.board[2][2]+self.board[1][1]
            return True
        if self.board[0][2]+self.board[2][0]+self.board[1][1]==(3*'x') or (3*'o'):
            #return self.board[0][2]+self.board[2][0]+self.board[1][1]
            return True

        return False
    def isNum(self):
        if self.choice=='num':
            return False
            return True
        Checks whether the current player has just made a winning move.  In order
        to win, the player must have just completed a line (of 3 squares) that 
        adds up to 15. That line can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
        Inputs: none
        Returns: True if current player has won with their most recent move; 
                 False otherwise

if __name__ == "__main__":



创建带有 X 和 O 的经典井字游戏版本。isWin 方法检查我们是否有任何获胜条件(连续 3 个 x 或 o),如果有,则返回 true,否则返回 false。我已经设置了一个场景,它应该返回 False 但它返回 True 任何人都可以找到原因吗?我不确定问题是什么

标签: pythonoop

