首页 > 解决方案 > 在“当匹配时”上使用插入和更新 // 合并


是否可以在 上使用 INSERT 和 UPDATE When matched then?? 我在网上看到它是可能的所以我的问题是:我怎样才能做类似下面的事情?

create table target_table(a, b, c, d, e) as (
   select 1, 2, 'NO',  100,'MDE' from dual union all
   select 1, 3, 'NO',  100,'AGC' from dual union all
   select 1, 4, 'NO',  100,'MDE' from dual union all
   select 1, 6, 'YES',  100,'MDE' from dual union all
   select 1, 5, 'NO',  100,'MDE' from dual );

create table source_table(a, b, c, d, e) as (
   select 1, 0, 'NO',  200,'AGC'  from dual union all
   select 1, 1, 'NO',  200,'MDE'  from dual union all
   select 1, 3, 'YES', 200,'AGC'  from dual union all
   select 1, 4, 'NO',  200,'MDE'  from dual union all
   select 1, 5, 'YES', 200,'MDE'  from dual );

merge into target_table t
using source_table s
on (t.a = s.a and t.b = s.b)
when matched then 
      when t.c = 'NO' and s.c = 'YES' and t.e = 'MDE' and s.e = 'MDE' then update set t.d = s.d, t.c = s.c
      when t.e <> 'MDE' and s.e <> 'MDE' then insert values (s.a, s.b, s.c, s.d, s.e)
when not matched then insert values (s.a, s.b, s.c, s.d, s.e);

标签: sqloracle



  • 匹配 -> 更新/删除
  • 不匹配 -> 插入


所以你想在 te 和 se 为 != 'MDE' 或 (ta = sa and tb = sb) 时插入并且仅在 tc = 'NO' 和 sc = 'YES' 和 te = 'MDE' 和 se = 时更新'MDE'


merge into target_table t
using source_table s
on (t.a = s.a and t.b = s.b and not ( t.e <> 'MDE' and s.e <> 'MDE'))
when matched then 
    update set t.d = s.d, t.c = s.c 
    where t.c = 'NO' and s.c = 'YES' and t.e = 'MDE' and s.e = 'MDE' 
when not matched then insert values (s.a, s.b, s.c, s.d, s.e)
