首页 > 解决方案 > 等待 x 毫秒或直到条件变为真


我有一个代码,我将数据发送到我们的队列,然后队列发送回确认,说他们已经收到数据,所以我等待 X 时间,然后检查他们是否收到数据。以下是执行此操作的代码并且可以正常工作:

  public boolean send(final long address, final byte[] records, final Socket socket) {
    boolean sent = sendAsync(address, records, socket, true);
    if (sent) {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
    // if key is not present, then acknowledgement was received successfully
    sent = !acknowledgementCache.asMap().containsKey(address);
    // and key is still present in the cache, then it means acknowledgment was not received after
    // waiting for timeout period, so we will remove it from cache.
    if (!sent)
    return sent;

800 milliseconds现在上面代码的问题是 - 我无论如何都在等待,这是错误的。确认可能在 100 毫秒内返回,但我仍然等待 800,所以我想在确认返回后立即返回,而不是等待 X 时间。


  public boolean send(final long address, final byte[] records, final Socket socket) {
    boolean sent = sendAsync(address, records, socket, true);
    if (sent) {
      try {
        // if key is not present, then acknowledgement was received successfully
        Awaitility.await().atMost(800, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
            .untilTrue(new AtomicBoolean(!acknowledgementCache.asMap().containsKey(address)));
        return true;
      } catch (ConditionTimeoutException ex) {
    // and key is still present in the cache, then it means acknowledgment was not received after
    // waiting for timeout period, so we will remove it from cache.
    return false;

注意:到目前为止,我正在使用 Java 7。我确实可以使用 Guava,所以如果除了等待之外还有什么更好的东西,那么我也可以使用它。

标签: javaawaitility


为了能够在 Java 7 中检查,您需要编写一个可调用对象。

public void send() {
    boolean sent = sendAsync(address, records, socket, true);
    if (sent) {
        await().until(receivedPackageCount(), equalTo(false));

private Callable receivedPackageCount(String address) {
    return new Callable() {
        public boolean call() throws Exception {
            return acknowledgementCache.asMap().containsKey(address);

它必须与上面类似。可能会出现编译错误,因为我是在没有 ide 的情况下编写的。
