首页 > 解决方案 > Go 例程后关闭冗余 sql.Rows 对象的推荐方法


我正在使用 Go 例程将查询并行发送到 PostgreSQL 主节点和从节点。返回有效结果的第一个主机获胜。错误案例不在此问题的范围内。

调用者是唯一关心*sql.Rows对象内容的人,所以我的函数故意不对这些内容进行任何操作。我使用缓冲通道从 Go 例程中检索返回对象,因此应该没有 Go 例程泄漏。垃圾收集应该照顾其余的。

有一个问题我没有正确解决:留在通道中的 Rows 对象永远不会关闭。当我从(只读)事务中调用此函数时,tx.Rollback()为每个非关闭Rows对象实例返回一个错误:"unexpected command tag SELECT".


func multiQuery(ctx context.Context, xs []executor, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
    rc := make(chan *sql.Rows, len(xs))
    ec := make(chan error, len(xs))
    for _, x := range xs {
        go func(x executor) {
            rows, err := x.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...)
            switch { // Make sure only one of them is returned
            case err != nil:
                ec <- err
            case rows != nil:
                rc <- rows

    var me MultiError
    for i := 0; i < len(xs); i++ {
        select {
        case err := <-ec:
        case rows := <-rc: // Return on the first success
            return rows, nil
    return nil, me.check()


type executor interface {
    ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
    QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
    QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row


func (mtx MultiTx) Rollback() error {
    ec := make(chan error, len(mtx))
    for _, tx := range mtx {
        go func(tx *Tx) {
            err := tx.Rollback()
            ec <- err
    var me MultiError
    for i := 0; i < len(mtx); i++ {
        if err := <-ec; err != nil {
    return me.check()



  1. cancel()取消上下文:我相信它会不一致地工作,在调用时可能已经返回了多个查询
  2. 创建一个延迟的 Go 例程,该例程继续耗尽通道并关闭行对象:如果 DB 节点响应缓慢,Rollback()仍会在之前调用rows.Close()
  3. 在 MultiTx 类型中的某处使用 a sync.WaitGroup,可能与 (2) 结合使用:如果其中一个节点无响应,这可能会导致 Rollback 挂起。另外,我不确定我将如何实现它。
  4. 忽略回滚错误:忽略错误听起来从来都不是一个好主意,它们的存在是有原因的。



正如@Peter 所建议的那样,我尝试取消上下文,但这似乎也使查询中返回的所有行无效。在rows.Scancontext canceled在更高级别的调用者处遇到错误。


func multiQuery(ctx context.Context, xs []executor, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()

    rc := make(chan *sql.Rows, len(xs))
    ec := make(chan error, len(xs))
    for _, x := range xs {
        go func(x executor) {
            rows, err := x.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...)
            switch { // Make sure only one of them is returned
            case err != nil:
                ec <- err
            case rows != nil:
                rc <- rows
                cancel() // Cancel on success

    var (
        me   MultiError
        rows *sql.Rows
    for i := 0; i < len(xs); i++ {
        select {
        case err := <-ec:
        case r := <-rc:
            if rows == nil { // Only use the first rows
                rows = r
            } else {
                r.Close() // Cleanup remaining rows, if there are any
    if rows != nil {
        return rows, nil

    return nil, me.check()


@Adrian 提到:



// MultiTx holds a slice of open transactions to multiple nodes.
// All methods on this type run their sql.Tx variant in one Go routine per Node.
type MultiTx []*Tx

// QueryContext runs sql.Tx.QueryContext on the tranactions in separate Go routines.
// The first non-error result is returned immediately
// and errors from the other Nodes will be ignored.
// If all nodes respond with the same error, that exact error is returned as-is.
// If there is a variety of errors, they will be embedded in a MultiError return.
// Implements boil.ContextExecutor.
func (mtx MultiTx) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
    return multiQuery(ctx, mtx2Exec(mtx), query, args...)


// MultiNode holds a slice of Nodes.
// All methods on this type run their sql.DB variant in one Go routine per Node.
type MultiNode []*Node

// QueryContext runs sql.DB.QueryContext on the Nodes in separate Go routines.
// The first non-error result is returned immediately
// and errors from the other Nodes will be ignored.
// If all nodes respond with the same error, that exact error is returned as-is.
// If there is a variety of errors, they will be embedded in a MultiError return.
// Implements boil.ContextExecutor.
func (mn MultiNode) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
    return multiQuery(ctx, nodes2Exec(mn), query, args...)


我已经编写了这个包,供 ORM sqlboiler使用。我的更高级别的逻辑将一个MultiTX对象传递给 ORM。从那时起,我对返回的Rows. 一种简单的方法是我的更高级别的代码取消了之前的上下文Rollback(),但我不喜欢这样:

  1. 它提供了一个非直观的 API。这种(惯用的)方法会破坏:
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
tx, _ := db.BeginTx(ctx)
defer tx.Rollback()

  1. ORM 的接口还指定了常规的、非上下文感知的Query()变体,在我的包的情况下,它将针对context.Background().

我开始担心这会被设计破坏...无论如何,我将首先实现一个 Go 例程,该例程将耗尽通道并关闭*Rows. 之后我会看看我是否可以实现一些不会影响返回的合理等待/取消机制*Rows

标签: goroutinespq


我认为下面的函数将满足您的要求,但前提是当您完成结果时应该取消传入的上下文(否则context.WithCancel会泄漏;我看不到在函数中取消它的方法将使返回的sql.Rows) 无效。


// queryResult holds the goroutine# and the result from that gorouting (need both so we can avoid cancelling the relevant context)
type queryResult struct {
    no   int
    rows *sql.Rows

// multiQuery - Executes multiple queries and returns either the first to resutn a result or, if all fail, a multierror summarising the errors
// Important: This should be used for READ ONLY queries only (it is possible that more than one will complete)
// Note: The ctx passed in must be cancelled to avoid leaking a context (this routine cannot cancel the context used for the winning query)
func multiQuery(ctx context.Context, xs []executor, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) {
    noOfQueries := len(xs)
    rc := make(chan queryResult) // Channel for results; unbuffered because we only want one, and only one, result
    ec := make(chan error)       // errors get sent here - goroutines must send a result or 1 error
    defer close(ec)              // Ensure the error consolidation go routine will complete

    // We need a way to cancel individual goroutines as we do not know which one will succeed
    cancelFns := make([]context.CancelFunc, noOfQueries)

    // All goroutines must terminate before we exit (otherwise the transaction maybe rolled back before they are cancelled leading to "unexpected command tag SELECT")
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for i, x := range xs {
        var queryCtx context.Context
        queryCtx, cancelFns[i] = context.WithCancel(ctx)
        go func(ctx context.Context, queryNo int, x executor) {
            defer wg.Done()

            rows, err := x.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...)
            if err != nil {
                ec <- err // Error collection go routine guaranteed to run until all query goroutines complete

            select {
            case rc <- queryResult{queryNo, rows}:
            case <-ctx.Done(): // If another query has already transmitted its results these should be thrown away
                rows.Close() // not strictly required because closed context should tidy up
        }(queryCtx, i, x)

    // Start go routine that will send a MultiError to a channel if all queries fail
    mec := make(chan MultiError)
    go func() {
        var me MultiError
        errCount := 0
        for err := range ec {
            errCount += 1
            if errCount == noOfQueries {
                mec <- me


    // Wait for one query to succeed or all queries to fail
    select {
    case me := <-mec:
        for _, cancelFn := range cancelFns { // not strictly required so long as ctx is eventually cancelled
        return nil, me.check()
    case result := <-rc:
        for i, cancelFn := range cancelFns { // not strictly required so long as ctx is eventually cancelled
            if i != result.no { // do not cancel the query that returned a result
        return result.rows, nil
