首页 > 解决方案 > 用许多方法分解一个类以提高可读性



class grid{
 int tot, cols, rows;
 float gw, gh, w, h,gx,gy,gcx,gcy;
 ArrayList<cell> cells = new ArrayList<cell>();  

 grid(float width, float height, int cols, int rows){
   this.gx = 0;
   this.gy = 0;
   this.gw = width;
   this.gh = height;
   this.cols = cols;
   this.rows = rows;
   w = gw/float(cols);
   h = gh/float(rows);

 // how to move these methods somewhere else?

 int rc(int row, int col){    // get index at row# col#
   int val = 0;
   for(int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++){
     if(cells.get(i).row == row && cells.get(i).col == col){
       val = i;
   return val;

 int col(int inst){
   if(altFlow == 1){ 
     return floor(inst/rows);
   } else { 
     return inst%cols;

 int[] listRow(int indexIn){
   int stIndex = cols*indexIn;
   int[] arrayOut = new int[cols];
   for(int i = 0; i < cols; i++) arrayOut[i] = i+stIndex;
   return arrayOut;


class grid{
  gridInfo gi;


  //still need one of these for each method?
  int col(int inst){
    return gi.col(inst);

class gridInfo(){
  grid parent;

  int col(int inst){
    if(altFlow == 1){ 
      return floor(inst/parent.rows);
    } else { 
      return inst%parent.cols;

标签: javaprocessing



本教程解释抽象类:https ://www.javatpoint.com/abstract-class-in-java

但是我不会这样做,除非你有从同一个抽象基派生的不同类。我认为拥有大型源代码文件没有问题。每个 IDE 都提供了许多快速导航的功能,无论该类有 100 行还是 3000 行。
