首页 > 解决方案 > dask - CSV 时间序列操作


我有一个大小约为 5GB 的 CSV,数据结构和类型如下:

              datetime      product name      serial number
0  2017-06-24 14:30:15            orange             123456
1  2017-07-04 21:33:50             apple             123456
2  2017-07-06 06:38:52            orange             123456
3  2017-07-10 15:52:07            banana             123456
4  2017-07-10 15:52:51            banana             123456
5  2017-07-10 15:53:18            banana             123456
6  2017-07-11 11:50:40         pineapple             123456
7  2017-07-11 00:53:43             apple              54321
8  2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              54321
9  2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              12454
10 2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              12454
11 2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              12454
12 2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              15039
13 2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              15037
14 2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              15039
15 2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              15190
16 2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              15039
17 2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              15037
18 2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              15037
19 2017-07-11 06:23:52             apple              15037
few millions more lines

datetime           datetime64[ns]
name                       object
events                      int64
dtype: object

问题 1:如何按产品名称分组,然后只统计前 10 个产品的序列号出现次数(出现次数最多的产品在顶部)?

# this does the count, but there are over 10,000 rows, and it is not sorted by counts f
df.groupby(['product name', 'serial number']).agg({'serial number':'count'}).compute()

# expected output (in table form):
product name    serial number       counts
      orange           123456            2
      orange            54321           12
       apple           123456            1
       apple            54321            4
   pineapple           123456           16

问题 2:如何绘制一个产品名称的每个序列号在时间域内的出现情况?

问题 3:我真的很想绘制一个产品名称在时间域内出现的每个“序列号”,到目前为止,我可以使用以下方法从数据框中挑选出“产品名称”:

df_orange = df[df['proudct name'] == 'orange']
# how do I plot it? 

标签: pandascsvmatplotlibanacondadask


尽管我的两分钱是使用.cutor来分箱.resample,但我将展示一个简单的解决方案,您可以为每个解决方案运行product name.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# groupby twice
apple = (df.groupby('product name')    # groupby 'product name'
           .get_group('apple')         # get 'apple' group
           .groupby('datetime'))       # groupby 'datetime'

apple1 = (apple['serial number']       # select 'serial number'
          .agg(['value_counts']        # count the 'serial number's
          .unstack(1)                  # this makes 'serial number's go across columns
          .droplevel(axis=1, level=0)) # drop extra multiindex level name('value_counts')           

apple1.plot(kind='bar')                # plot it
plt.xticks(rotation=0)                 # because your 'datetime' is long and un-formatted
plt.yticks([i for i in range(5)])      # set xticks to  int


对每个重复此操作,将product name它们绘制为subplotsa Figure,您将被设置
