首页 > 解决方案 > Bigquery crashlytics 数据集计划间隔


我们目前正在调查 Firebase<>BigQuery(非沙盒)以进行监控。我们已经使用 Firebase 集成连接了我们的一个项目,并收集了几天的数据。

只有数据总是休息一天,这是有道理的,因为传输只每 24 小时运行一次。但试图通过 bq cli 改变它:

bq update --transfer_config \
  --target_dataset='crashlytics' \
  --schedule='every 2 hours' \

导致 400 错误:

Bigquery service returned an invalid reply in update operation: Error reported by server with missing error fields. Server returned: {u'error': {u'status': u'INVALID_ARGUMENT',
u'message': u'Request contains an invalid argument.', u'code': 400}}.

Please make sure you are using the latest version of the bq tool and try again. If this problem persists, you may have encountered a bug in the bigquery client. Please file a bug
report in our public issue tracker:
Please include a brief description of the steps that led to this issue, as well as any rows that can be made public from the following information:

== Platform ==
== bq version ==

== Command line ==
  ['/path/bq/bq.py', '--application_default_credential_file', '/path/e@mail.com/adc.json', '--credential_file', '/path/e@email.com/singlestore_bq.json', '--project_id=tde-psv-app', 'update', '--transfer_config', '--target_dataset=crashlytics', '--schedule=every 2 hours', 'projects/p/locations/l/transferConfigs/c']
== UTC timestamp ==
  2020-02-24 08:47:23
== Error trace ==
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/path/bq/bq.py", line 1116, in RunSafely
    return_value = self.RunWithArgs(*args, **kwds)
  File "/path/bq/bq.py", line 4615, in RunWithArgs
  File "/path/bq/bigquery_client.py", line 3984, in UpdateTransferConfig
  File "/path/bq/bigquery_client.py", line 810, in execute
  File "/path/bq/bigquery_client.py", line 788, in RaiseErrorFromHttpError
  File "/path/bq/bigquery_client.py", line 2385, in RaiseError
    raise BigqueryError.Create(error, result, [])
BigqueryInterfaceError: Error reported by server with missing error fields. Server returned: {u'error': {u'status': u'INVALID_ARGUMENT', u'message': u'Request contains an invalid argument.', u'code': 400}}

Unexpected exception in update operation: Bigquery service returned an invalid reply in update operation: Error reported by server with missing error fields. Server returned:
{u'error': {u'status': u'INVALID_ARGUMENT',
u'message': u'Request contains an invalid argument.', u'code': 400}}.

Please make sure you are using the latest version of the bq tool and try again. If this problem persists, you may have encountered a bug in the bigquery client. Please file a bug
report in our public issue tracker:
Please include a brief description of the steps that led to this issue, as well as any rows that can be made public from the following information:

我们可能会觉得这对于这种数据集/Firebase 项目是不可能的,但我们看不到任何明确的答案。

标签: firebasegoogle-bigquerycrashlyticsbq


目前,数据导出每 24 小时仅可用一次。我们正在研究改变这种行为。请随时了解 Firebase 博客的最新消息。
