首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么将 null 转换为数组会退出代码?


public function send(Swift_Mime_SimpleMessage $message, &$failedRecipients = null)
        $failedRecipients = (array) $failedRecipients;

        if (!$this->transport->isStarted()) {

        $sent = 0;

        try {
            $sent = $this->transport->send($message, $failedRecipients);
        } catch (Swift_RfcComplianceException $e) {
            foreach ($message->getTo() as $address => $name) {
                $failedRecipients[] = $address;

        return $sent;

这是来自 vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Mailer.php 的代码


$failedRecipients = (array) $failedRecipients;

它没有给出任何错误,就像这条线会从函数调用返回一样。所以电子邮件不会发送。$failedRecipients 为空。

PHP 版本是 7.2.26,它应该可以正常工作,在另一个项目上它是相同的。



$消息是这样的:。 在此处输入图像描述

$address 将是电子邮件地址字符串,name 将是 null 代码来了。我从 $message->getTo() 中获取了它们。传输对象是 vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/SpoolTransport.php



 * This file is part of SwiftMailer.
 * (c) 2004-2009 Chris Corbyn
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

 * Swift Mailer class.
 * @author Chris Corbyn
class Swift_Mailer
    /** The Transport used to send messages */
    private $transport;

     * Create a new Mailer using $transport for delivery.
    public function __construct(Swift_Transport $transport)
        $this->transport = $transport;

     * Create a new class instance of one of the message services.
     * For example 'mimepart' would create a 'message.mimepart' instance
     * @param string $service
     * @return object
    public function createMessage($service = 'message')
        return Swift_DependencyContainer::getInstance()

     * Send the given Message like it would be sent in a mail client.
     * All recipients (with the exception of Bcc) will be able to see the other
     * recipients this message was sent to.
     * Recipient/sender data will be retrieved from the Message object.
     * The return value is the number of recipients who were accepted for
     * delivery.
     * @param array $failedRecipients An array of failures by-reference
     * @return int The number of successful recipients. Can be 0 which indicates failure
    public function send(Swift_Mime_SimpleMessage $message, &$failedRecipients = null)
        $failedRecipients = (array) $failedRecipients;

        if (!$this->transport->isStarted()) {

        $sent = 0;

        try {
            $sent = $this->transport->send($message, $failedRecipients);
        } catch (Swift_RfcComplianceException $e) {
            foreach ($message->getTo() as $address => $name) {
                $failedRecipients[] = $address;

        return $sent;

     * Register a plugin using a known unique key (e.g. myPlugin).
    public function registerPlugin(Swift_Events_EventListener $plugin)

     * The Transport used to send messages.
     * @return Swift_Transport
    public function getTransport()
        return $this->transport;

标签: phpdockersymfonyswiftmailer


SwiftMailer 知道哪些收件人失败了,但 Laravel 没有公开相关参数来帮助我们获取该信息:

 * Send the given Message like it would be sent in a mail client.
 * All recipients (with the exception of Bcc) will be able to see the other
 * recipients this message was sent to.
 * Recipient/sender data will be retrieved from the Message object.
 * The return value is the number of recipients who were accepted for
 * delivery.
 * @param array $failedRecipients An array of failures by-reference
 * @return int The number of successful recipients. Can be 0 which indicates failure

public function send(Swift_Mime_SimpleMessage $message, &$failedRecipients = null)
    $failedRecipients = (array) $failedRecipients;

    // FIXME: to be removed in 7.0 (as transport must now start itself on send)
    if (!$this->transport->isStarted()) {

    $sent = 0;

    try {
        $sent = $this->transport->send($message, $failedRecipients);
    } catch (Swift_RfcComplianceException $e) {
        foreach ($message->getTo() as $address => $name) {
            $failedRecipients[] = $address;

    return $sent;

您可以使用以下方法访问失败的收件人以查找错误 Mail::failures()

if(count(Mail::failures()) > 0){
                //$errors = 'Failed to send confirmation email, please try again.';
                $message = "Email not send";
return $message;

这是完整的课程:https ://github.com/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/blob/master/lib/classes/Swift/Mailer.php

Swiftmailer 只负责将电子邮件交给邮件服务器。

其他一切都与 Swiftmailer 无关,请参阅此处了解使用 PHP 处理退回电子邮件?
