首页 > 解决方案 > Random seed for order of elements in Python's Set to List conversion


I was executing some code in a Jupyter notebook and noticed that each time I ran it, the output was different despite not explicitly putting randomness in my program.

I narrowed it down to a line that removes all repeated elements from a list.

l = list(set(l))

I noticed two things:

Is there some kind of hidden random seed that is used for the set -> list conversion for a given kernel? How does it work under the hood, and what would I do if I wanted deterministic output from the above code?

标签: pythonrandomset


A 的set功能几乎与 相同dict,以hash对象的 为键。__hash__大多数对象(在 CPython 中)的默认函数依赖于它们的id,而后者又依赖于它们在内存中的地址。


这是依赖于实现的,所以你不能依赖它,我只能说 CPython,到目前为止,它是这样工作的。您可以依赖的东西set不是(有用的)订购。


def could_add(s, x):
    if x in s:
        return False
        return True

seen = set()
[x for x in l if could_add(seen, x)]

(虽然我完全同意 Barmar 的评论——如果顺序很重要,它们应该是可排序的。)
