首页 > 解决方案 > 关于 ibgp 配置和 ping 超时:跳数限制


我正在配置 iBGP


他们使用 Ubuntu 18 和 Bird 1.6

RS1 连接到 as6939

RS2 连接到 as20473

2000:1::/48 在 RS1 上公布

2000:2:: 48 在 RS2 上公布




router id;

function is_my_net()
        return net ~ [

filter normal_out
        if proto = "Announce" then accept;
        if is_my_net() then accept;
        if proto = "NA" then reject;

protocol static Announce
        route 2000:1::/48 reject; #tunnel

protocol static NA


protocol kernel
        scan time 60;
        import none;
        #export all;
        metric 2000;

protocol device
        scan time 60;

protocol direct {
        interface "*";
        import all;

template bgp ibgp {
        local fd15:9924:d630:e01c:2333:93f4:229e:9998 as 123456;
        import all;
        export all;
        graceful restart on;

protocol bgp ibgp_rs2 from ibgp {
        neighbor fd15:9924:d630:e01c:2333:9391:ba13:598b as 123456;

protocol bgp he
        local 2001:2333:2333:a4::2 as 123456;
        neighbor 2001:2333:2333:a4::1 as 6939;
        import all;
        export filter normal_out;
        graceful restart on;

protocol ospf myospf {
        import all;
        export where source ~ [ RTS_DEVICE, RTS_STATIC, RTS_OSPF ] && proto != "static_bgp" && proto != "static_bgp_vultr";
        area 0 {
                interface "bgp" {
                        cost 450;


router id;

function is_my_net()
        return net ~ [

filter normal_out
        if proto = "Announce" then accept;
        if is_my_net() then accept;
        if proto = "NA" then reject;

protocol static Announce
        route 2000:2::/48 reject; #tunnel

protocol static NA


protocol static static_vultr {
        route 2001:19f0:ffff::1/128 via fe80::fc00:2333:fe88:2333%ens3;

protocol kernel
        scan time 60;
        import none;
        #export all;
        metric 2000;

protocol device
        scan time 60;

protocol direct {
        interface "*";
        import all;

protocol bgp vultr
        local 2001:19f0:4400:5132:5400:2333:fe88:2333 as 123456;
        neighbor 2001:19f0:ffff::1 as 64515;
        import all;
        export filter normal_out;
        graceful restart on;
        multihop 2;
        password "hidepasswd";

template bgp ibgp {
        local fd15:9924:d630:e01c:2333:9391:ba13:598b as 123456;
        import all;
        export all;
        graceful restart on;

protocol bgp ibgp_rs1 from ibgp {
        neighbor fd15:9924:d630:e01c:2333:93f4:229e:9998 as 123456;

protocol ospf myospf {
        import all;
        export where source ~ [ RTS_DEVICE, RTS_STATIC, RTS_OSPF ] && proto != "static_bgp" && proto != "static_bgp_vultr";
        area 0 {
                interface "bgp" {
                        cost 450;

在 RS1 运行birdc6 show route 2000:2::/48

root@rs1:~# birdc6 show route 2000:2::/48
BIRD 1.6.3 ready.
2000:2::/48 via fd15:9924:d630:e01c:2333:9391:ba13:598b on ztyou4jsxl [ibgp_rs2 14:10:51] * (100/0) [i]

在 RS2 运行birdc6 show route 2000:1::/48

root@rs2:~# birdc6 show route 2000:1::/48
BIRD 1.6.6 ready.
2000:1::/48  via fd15:9924:d630:e01c:2333:93f4:229e:9998 on ztyou4jsxl [ibgp_rs1 06:10:45] * (100/0) [i]

但我traceroute6 2000:2::在 rs1 上运行

root@rs1:~# traceroute6 2000:2::
traceroute to 2000:2:: (2000:2::) from 2001:2333:2333:a4::2, 30 hops max, 24 byte packets
 1  tunnel562333.tunnel.tserv19.hkg1.ipv6.he.net (2001:2333:2333:a4::1)  2.144 ms  2.095 ms  1.969 ms
 2  tunnel562333-pt.tunnel.tserv19.hkg1.ipv6.he.net (2001:2333:2333:a4::2)  1.87 ms  21.406 ms  10.724 ms
 3  tunnel562333.tunnel.tserv19.hkg1.ipv6.he.net (2001:2333:2333:a4::1)  7.368 ms  3.664 ms  3.776 ms
 4  tunnel562333-pt.tunnel.tserv19.hkg1.ipv6.he.net (2001:2333:2333:a4::2)  3.396 ms  3.457 ms  3.546 ms
 5  tunnel562333.tunnel.tserv19.hkg1.ipv6.he.net (2001:2333:2333:a4::1)  5.58 ms  5.604 ms  5.788 ms
 6  tunnel562333-pt.tunnel.tserv19.hkg1.ipv6.he.net (2001:2333:2333:a4::2)  5.089 ms  5.405 ms  5.056 ms
 7  tunnel562333.tunnel.tserv19.hkg1.ipv6.he.net (2001:2333:2333:a4::1)  7.197 ms  7.266 ms  6.965 ms
 8  tunnel562333-pt.tunnel.tserv19.hkg1.ipv6.he.net (2001:2333:2333:a4::2)  6.64 ms  7.773 ms  7.013 ms

traceroute6 2000:1::在 rs2 上运行

root@rs2:~# traceroute6 2000:1::
traceroute to 2000:1:: (2000:1::) from 2001:19f0:4400:5132:5400:2333:fe88:2333, 30 hops max, 24 byte packets
 1  * * *
 2  2001:19f0:4400:5132:5400:2333:fe88:2333 (2001:19f0:4400:5132:5400:2333:fe88:2333)  0.551 ms  0.164 ms  0.107 ms
 3  * * *
 4  2001:19f0:4400:5132:5400:2333:fe88:2333 (2001:19f0:4400:5132:5400:2333:fe88:2333)  0.445 ms  0.226 ms  0.138 ms
 5  * * *
 6  2001:19f0:4400:5132:5400:2333:fe88:2333 (2001:19f0:4400:5132:5400:2333:fe88:2333)  0.353 ms  0.251 ms  0.365 ms
 7  * * *
 8  2001:19f0:4400:5132:5400:2333:fe88:2333 (2001:19f0:4400:5132:5400:2333:fe88:2333)  0.346 ms  0.319 ms  0.216 ms

就像 traceroute6

IBGP 不起作用并破坏 BGP 路由


标签: routesbgpospf


这个问题已经解决 问题是路由没有导出到内核

protocol kernel
        scan time 60;
        import none;
        export all;
        metric 2000;

