首页 > 解决方案 > 将字段内容从一个公共结构复制到另一个


我正在修改一些由另一方编写的代码。目的是模拟 UniFi 安全网关以在 UniFi 控制器软件中获取报告。我计划在带有 2 个运行 CentOS 8 的 NIC 的 Zotac Mini PC 上运行仿真。所以我不必担心额外的 NAT,我将 2 个 NIC 设置为桥接器。


#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct UnixNetworkDevice {
    name: String,
    mac: MacAddr,
    interface: NetworkInterface,
    statistics: UnixNetworkDeviceStatistics,

当为 eth0 设备填写结构时,您会得到这个(wan_device开头只是我的标签,所以我知道我在看什么):

wan_device Some(UnixNetworkDevice {
    name: "eth0",
    mac: 00:01:2e:80:3e:1d,
    interface: NetworkInterface {
        name: "eth0",
        index: 2,
        mac: Some(00:01:2e:80:3e:1d),
        ips: [],
        flags: 69699
    statistics: UnixNetworkDeviceStatistics {
        collisions: 0,
        multicast: 497,
        rx_bytes: 359185,
        rx_compressed: 0,
        rx_crc_errors: 0,
        rx_dropped: 26,
        rx_errors: 0,
        rx_fifo_errors: 0,
        rx_frame_errors: 0,
        rx_length_errors: 0,
        rx_missed_errors: 0,
        rx_nohandler: 0,
        rx_over_errors: 0,
        rx_packets: 1587,
        tx_aborted_errors: 0,
        tx_bytes: 74695,
        tx_carrier_errors: 0,
        tx_compressed: 0,
        tx_dropped: 0,
        tx_errors: 0,
        tx_fifo_errors: 0,
        tx_heartbeat_errors: 0,
        tx_packets: 474,
        tx_window_errors: 0

我还从 Bridge 设备中提取相同的信息:

bri_device Some(UnixNetworkDevice {
    name: "bri0",
    mac: 00:01:2e:80:3e:1d,
    interface: NetworkInterface {
        name: "bri0",
        index: 5,
        mac: Some(00:01:2e:80:3e:1d),
        ips: [V4(Ipv4Network { addr:, prefix: 24 }),
              V6(Ipv6Network { addr: fe80::c8ee:a0ff:fe3a:3096, prefix: 64 })],
        flags: 69699
    statistics: UnixNetworkDeviceStatistics {
        collisions: 0,
        multicast: 0,
        rx_bytes: 275467,
        rx_compressed: 0,
        rx_crc_errors: 0,
        rx_dropped: 0,
        rx_errors: 0,
        rx_fifo_errors: 0,
        rx_frame_errors: 0,
        rx_length_errors: 0,
        rx_missed_errors: 0,
        rx_nohandler: 0,
        rx_over_errors: 0,
        rx_packets: 1371,
        tx_aborted_errors: 0,
        tx_bytes: 68355,
        tx_carrier_errors: 0,
        tx_compressed: 0,
        tx_dropped: 0,
        tx_errors: 0,
        tx_fifo_errors: 0,
        tx_heartbeat_errors: 0,
        tx_packets: 345,
        tx_window_errors: 0

wan_device不显示任何 IP 地址,因为它已分配给网桥。

现在,当它尝试执行 a clone()of the时,由于结构中的空白部分而wan_device失败。ips我想将结构的 IPS 部分从复制bri_devicewan_device. 我希望这是可能的。

这是一个可以做成项目的 MRE,包括它后面的 Cargo.toml 文件。

这是相同 ZIP 文件的链接: https ://www.dropbox.com/s/7pfxbmv49ra1jxs/Test-OpnFi.zip?dl=0

extern crate log;

extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate clap;
extern crate regex;
extern crate simple_logger;

/// Network interface for inform
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct OpnFiInformNetworkInterface {
    pub drops: usize,
    pub enabled: bool,
    pub full_duplex: bool,
    pub gateways: Vec<String>,
    pub ip: String,
    pub latency: usize,
    pub mac: String,
    pub name: String,
    pub nameservers: Vec<String>,
    pub netmask: String,
    pub num_port: usize,
    pub rx_bytes: usize,
    pub rx_dropped: usize,
    pub rx_errors: usize,
    pub rx_multicast: usize,
    pub rx_packets: usize,
    pub speed: usize,
    pub speedtest_lastrun: usize,
    pub speedtest_ping: usize,
    pub speedtest_status: String,
    pub tx_bytes: usize,
    pub tx_dropped: usize,
    pub tx_errors: usize,
    pub tx_packets: usize,
    pub up: bool,
    pub uptime: usize,
    pub xput_down: usize,
    pub xput_up: usize,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct Config {
    pub inform_url: String,
    pub capability: Vec<String>,
    pub cfgversion: String,
    pub selfrun_guest_mode: String,
    pub led_enabled: bool,
    pub stun_url: String,
    pub mgmt_url: String,
    pub authkey: String,
    pub use_aes_gcm: bool,
    pub report_crash: bool,

use pnet::{
    datalink::{interfaces, NetworkInterface},
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{fs, io, path};

#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct UnixNetworkDevice {
    name: String,
    mac: MacAddr,
    interface: NetworkInterface,
    statistics: UnixNetworkDeviceStatistics,

impl UnixNetworkDevice {
    pub fn new(name: &String) -> io::Result<UnixNetworkDevice> {
        let device_path = path::Path::new("/sys/class/net").join(name);
        if !device_path.as_path().is_dir() {
            return Err(io::Error::new(
                format!("Unable to locate UnixNetworkDevice {}", name),

    let mac_string = fs::read_to_string(device_path.join("address"))?;
        if mac_string.trim().len() < 15 {
            return Err(io::Error::new(
                "Mac address is empty.",
    let mac = MacAddr::from_str(mac_string.trim())
            .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;

        let interface = interfaces().into_iter().filter(|i| i.name == *name).next();
        if interface.is_none() {
            return Err(io::Error::new(
                format!("Unable to locate NetworkInterface {}", name),
    let interface = interface.unwrap();

        let statistics = UnixNetworkDeviceStatistics::new(name);

        Ok(UnixNetworkDevice {
            name: name.clone(),

    pub fn name(&self) -> String {

    pub fn mac(&self) -> MacAddr {

    pub fn interface(&self) -> NetworkInterface {

    pub fn statistics(&self) -> UnixNetworkDeviceStatistics {

// ===== Statistics =====

#[derive(PartialOrd, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct UnixNetworkDeviceStatistics {
    pub collisions: usize,
    pub multicast: usize,
    pub rx_bytes: usize,
    pub rx_compressed: usize,
    pub rx_crc_errors: usize,
    pub rx_dropped: usize,
    pub rx_errors: usize,
    pub rx_fifo_errors: usize,
    pub rx_frame_errors: usize,
    pub rx_length_errors: usize,
    pub rx_missed_errors: usize,
    pub rx_nohandler: usize,
    pub rx_over_errors: usize,
    pub rx_packets: usize,
    pub tx_aborted_errors: usize,
    pub tx_bytes: usize,
    pub tx_carrier_errors: usize,
    pub tx_compressed: usize,
    pub tx_dropped: usize,
    pub tx_errors: usize,
    pub tx_fifo_errors: usize,
    pub tx_heartbeat_errors: usize,
    pub tx_packets: usize,
    pub tx_window_errors: usize,

impl UnixNetworkDeviceStatistics {
    pub fn new(device_name: &String) -> UnixNetworkDeviceStatistics {
        let read_value = |statistic_name: &str| -> io::Result<usize> {
            let stat_path = path::Path::new("/sys/class/net")
            let value = fs::read_to_string(stat_path.as_path())?;
                .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, e))

        UnixNetworkDeviceStatistics {
            collisions: read_value("collisions").unwrap_or_default(),
        multicast: read_value("multicast").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_bytes: read_value("rx_bytes").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_compressed: read_value("rx_compressed").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_crc_errors: read_value("rx_crc_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_dropped: read_value("rx_dropped").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_errors: read_value("rx_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_fifo_errors: read_value("rx_fifo_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_frame_errors: read_value("rx_frame_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_length_errors: read_value("rx_length_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_missed_errors: read_value("rx_missed_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_nohandler: read_value("rx_nohandler").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_over_errors: read_value("rx_over_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            rx_packets: read_value("rx_packets").unwrap_or_default(),
            tx_aborted_errors: read_value("tx_aborted_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            tx_bytes: read_value("tx_bytes").unwrap_or_default(),
            tx_carrier_errors: read_value("tx_carrier_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            tx_compressed: read_value("tx_compressed").unwrap_or_default(),
            tx_dropped: read_value("tx_dropped").unwrap_or_default(),
            tx_errors: read_value("tx_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            tx_fifo_errors: read_value("tx_fifo_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            tx_heartbeat_errors: read_value("tx_heartbeat_errors").unwrap_or_default(),
            tx_packets: read_value("tx_packets").unwrap_or_default(),
            tx_window_errors: read_value("tx_window_errors").unwrap_or_default(),

impl From<UnixNetworkDevice> for OpnFiInformNetworkInterface {
    fn from(value: UnixNetworkDevice) -> Self {
        let interface = value.interface();
        let stats = value.statistics();
        let ip = interface
            .filter(|ip| ip.is_ipv4())
        Self {
            drops: stats.rx_dropped + stats.tx_dropped,
            enabled: true,
            full_duplex: true,
            gateways: vec![],
            ip: ip.ip().to_string(),
            latency: 1,
            mac: value.mac().to_string(),
            name: value.name().to_string(),
            nameservers: vec![],
            netmask: ip.mask().to_string(),
            num_port: interface.index as usize,
            rx_bytes: stats.rx_bytes,
            rx_dropped: stats.rx_dropped,
            rx_errors: stats.rx_errors,
            rx_multicast: 0,
            rx_packets: stats.rx_packets,
            speed: 1000,
            speedtest_lastrun: 0,
            speedtest_ping: 0,
            speedtest_status: "Idle".to_string(),
            tx_bytes: stats.tx_bytes,
            tx_dropped: stats.tx_dropped,
            tx_errors: stats.tx_errors,
            tx_packets: stats.tx_packets,
            up: true,
            uptime: 0,
            xput_down: 0,
            xput_up: 0,

fn main() {

    let matches = clap::App::new("OpnFi Device")
        .author("James Parks <jrjparks@zathera.com>")
        .about("Emulates a UniFi device")
                .help("Sets a config file path to use")
                .help("FQDN or IP Address of UniFi Controller")
                .help("Set the nic to report for WAN")
                .help("Set the nic to report for LAN")
                .help("Set the nic to report for BRIDGE")

    let _wan_device = match matches.value_of("wan") {
        Some(wan_name) => {
            info!("Using {} as WAN device.", wan_name);
        None => None,
    let _lan_device = match matches.value_of("lan") {
        Some(lan_name) => {
            info!("Using {} as LAN device.", lan_name);
        None => None,
    let _bri_device = match matches.value_of("bri") {
        Some(bri_name) => {
            info!("Using {} as BRIDGE device.", bri_name);
        None => None,

println!("wan_device {:?}", _wan_device);
println!("lan_device {:?}", _lan_device);
println!("bri_device {:?}", _bri_device);

            // Interfaces


            let _wan_interface: Option<OpnFiInformNetworkInterface> = match &mut _wan_device.as_ref()
                Some(wan) => Some(wan.clone().into()),
                _ => None,


            let _lan_interface: Option<OpnFiInformNetworkInterface> = match &mut _lan_device.as_ref()
                Some(lan) => Some(lan.clone().into()),
                _ => None,


            let _bri_interface: Option<OpnFiInformNetworkInterface> = match &mut _bri_device.as_ref()
                Some(bri) => Some(bri.clone().into()),
                _ => None,
name = "test_opnfi"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = ["Mike Schaffner <mcschaffner@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018"
license = "Apache-2.0"

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

lazy_static = "1.4.0"
toml = "0.5.5"
regex = "1.3.1"
rand = "0.7.2"
net2 = "0.2.33"
byteorder = "1.3.2"
serde = "1.0.103"
serde_json = "1.0.42"
sysinfo = "0.9.6"
reqwest = "0.9"
hex = "0.4.0"
pnet = "0.23.0"
clap = "2.33"
ctrlc = "3.1.3"
log = "0.4.8"
simple_logger = "1.3.0"

标签: rust



请阅读 Shepmaster 的评论并更新您的问题。给你一个可能有帮助的方向:https ://gist.github.com/rust-play/2289bbcf50caabe7bc0fb397e073e581

// #[derive(Clone)] dosn't work because the unknown size of `value`
struct A {
    value: [isize],

struct B<'a> {
    value: Option<&'a [isize]>,

fn main() {
    //let a: A = A { value: [1] };
    //let a1 = a.clone();
    let b: B = B { value: None };
    let b1 = b.clone();
