首页 > 解决方案 > Azure DevOps ClickOnce Build&Release publish.htm missing


at the moment I am trying to build and release a ClickOnce application on a subfolder of an Azure AppService. So far, the deployment of the binaries works quite well. At the moment what is missing is the pulish.htm, which provides the download page for the ClickOnce application.

As build arguments I hand over the following:

/target:publish /p:ApplicationVersion=$(AssemblyVersion) /p:PublishURL=http://[URL_to_ClickOnce-Download] /p:UpdateEnabled=true /p:UpdateMode=Foreground /p:CreateWebPageOnPublish=true /p:WebPage="publish.htm" /p:IsWebBootstrapper=true

What i am mostly missing is a documentation of the allowed/possible build arguments in the MSBuild-task in Azure Devops. That's the reason why I am asking here - has anyone an idea what am I missing here?

In case you need additional information, please don't hesitate to ask me.

Thank you very much in advance and kind regards


标签: azure-devopsmsbuildclickonce



MSBuild 未生成发布网页 (ClickOnce)

根据上述解决方案,您需要在 .csproj 文件中定义自定义 Msbuild 目标,以将 publish.htm 复制到发布文件夹。并在您的管道 msbuild 任务中将目标指定为自定义目标(即。/target:DoPublish)到参数。
