首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将 blob URL 转换为音频文件并将其保存到服务器


我已经成功录制并添加了录制的音频并将其放置在我的 HTML 页面的音频标签中。

<audio controls="" src="blob:https://localhost:3000/494f62b9-0513-4d1c-9206-6569083a2661"></audio>

另外,我已经使用这一行成功地从源标记中获取了 blob 源 url。 var source = document.getElementById("Audio").src; 这是我的 blob 网址


现在如何将 blob 源 URL 转换为音频文件并将其发送到我的服务器。我已经尝试了很多,帮助做到这一点,我是这个 blob 的新手。由于我使用这个记录器 api 在所有浏览器上工作,我只有这个机会通过获取 blob 源然后将其转换为音频文件并使用表单数据将音频文件发送到我的服务器。

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            </button><button id="resume" disabled="" autocomplete="off" title="Resume">
              <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100">
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            Native support,<a href="?polyfill">force polyfill</a>
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    (function () {
      var a, i, b, d, f, g, l = ["start", "stop", "pause", "resume"],
        m = ["audio/webm", "audio/ogg", "audio/wav"],
        j = 1024,
        k = 1 << 20;

      function n(e) {
        var r, $ = Math.abs(e);
        return $ >= k ? (r = "MB", e /= k) : $ >= j ? (r = "KB", e /= j) : r = "B", e.toFixed(0).replace(
          /(?:\.0*|(\.[^0]+)0+)$/, "$1") + " " + r;

      function e(e) {
        i.innerHTML = "", navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
          audio: !0
        }).then(function (r) {
          a = new MediaRecorder(r), l.forEach(function (e) {
            a.addEventListener(e, t.bind(null, e));
          }), a.addEventListener("dataavailable", s), "full" === e ? a.start() : a.start(1e3);
        }), b.blur(), setTimeout(myFunction, 16000);

      function o() {
        a.stop(), a.stream.getTracks()[0].stop(), g.blur();

      function p() {
        a.pause(), d.blur();

      function q() {
        a.resume(), f.blur();

      function s(e) {
        var r = document.createElement("li"),
          $ = document.createElement("strong");
        $.innerText = "dataavailable: ", r.appendChild($);
        var a = document.createElement("span");
        a.innerText = e.data.type + ", " + n(e.data.size), r.appendChild(a), a.setAttribute("id", "span");
        var o = document.createElement("audio");
        o.controls = !0, o.src = URL.createObjectURL(e.data), o.setAttribute("id", "Audio"), r.appendChild(o), i


      function t(e) {

        var r = document.createElement("li");
        r.innerHTML = "<strong>" + e + ": </strong>" + a.state, "start" === e && (r.innerHTML += ", " + a
            .mimeType), i.appendChild(r), "recording" === a.state ? (b.disabled = !0,
            f.disabled = !0, d.disabled = !1, g.disabled = !1) : "paused" === a.state ? (b
            .disabled = !0, f.disabled = !1, d.disabled = !0, g.disabled = !1) : "inactive" === a
          .state && (b.disabled = !1, f.disabled = !0, d.disabled = !0, g
            .disabled = !0);
      i = document.getElementById("list"),
        b = document.getElementById("record"),
        f = document.getElementById("resume"),
        d = document.getElementById("pause"),
        g = document.getElementById("stop"),
        MediaRecorder.notSupported ? (i.style.display = "none",
          document.getElementById("controls").style.display = "none",
          document.getElementById("formats").style.display = "none",
          document.getElementById("mode").style.display = "none",
          document.getElementById("support").style.display = "block") : (document.getElementById("formats")
          .innerText = "Format: " + m
          .filter(function (e) {
            return MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported(e);
          }).join(", "), b.addEventListener("click", e.bind(null,
            "full")), f.addEventListener("click", q), d.addEventListener("click", p),
          g.addEventListener("click", o), b.disabled = !1);

    function myFunction() {

    function toggle_visibility(id) {
      var element = document.getElementById(id);

      if (element.style.display == 'block')
        element.style.display = 'none';
        element.style.display = 'block';

    async function sendto() {
      var source = document.getElementById("Audio").src;

      type: 'POST',
      url: "http://localhost:3000/audioUpload",
      data: data,
      cache: false,
      processData: false,
      contentType: false,
      success: function(result) {






let file = await fetch(source).then(r => r.blob()).then(blobFile => new File([blobFile], fileName, {
        type: res[0]


标签: javascriptjqueryhtmlaudioblob



让我们考虑下面的函数。它在Blob参数file中接受 a。这Blob将在后面的答案中创建。在sendAudioFile函数中创建一个新FormData对象。将 附加Blob到 formData。


const sendAudioFile = file => {
  const formData = new FormData();
  formData.append('audio-file', file);
  return fetch('http://localhost:3000/audioUpload', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: formData




添加另一个侦听事件的事件侦听器stop。每当录制停止并收集所有数据时,Blobstop事件回调中创建一个。您可以指定MIME type文件的内容来告诉它的格式。


navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }).then(stream => {
  // Collection for recorded data.
  let data = [];

  // Recorder instance using the stream.
  // Also set the stream as the src for the audio element.
  const recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);
  audio.srcObject = stream;

  recorder.addEventListener('start', e => {
    // Empty the collection when starting recording.
    data.length = 0;

  recorder.addEventListener('dataavailable', event => {
    // Push recorded data to collection.

  // Create a Blob when recording has stopped.
  recorder.addEventListener('stop', () => {
    const blob = new Blob(data, { 
      'type': 'audio/mp3' 

  // Start the recording.
