首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 String.ToUpper() 时程序退出;在包含空格的字符串上


让我开始说我是 C# 的新手。


我有一个string nameCapInput = Console.Readline()接受用户输入的方法,然后对其进行分析以确保不允许使用数字:

using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace First_Console_Project
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("My first ever console application - 2020/2/26\n\n\n");
            Console.WriteLine("What do you want to do?\n");
            Console.WriteLine("1. Calculate Numbers \n2. Capitalize Letters/Strings");
            Console.WriteLine("Input your desired action:");
            var inputVar = Console.ReadLine();
            switch (inputVar)
                case "1":
                    //Calculator code goes here
                    Console.WriteLine("Number 1 succeeded, opening calculator... Stand by");
                    Console.WriteLine("Calulator Loaded.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Doesn't work right now. Type \"exit\" to get back to the \"what do you want to do\" page.");
                    //Code goes here when I have learned the proper methods
                    var calcInput = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (calcInput == "exit")
                        goto programSel;
                    } else
                        Console.WriteLine("Unknown command. Type \"exit\" to get back to the \"what do you want to do\" page.");
                        goto calcInput;
                case "2":
                    Console.WriteLine("Loading string capitalizer...");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type any string made of letters only without spaces, because if you use spaces, the program will exit. The output will make them all uppercase. Type \"exit\" to get back to the \"what do you want to do\" page.");
                    string nameCapInput = Console.ReadLine();
                    bool containsInt = nameCapInput.Any(char.IsDigit);
                    bool isMadeOfLettersOnly = nameCapInput.All(char.IsLetter);
                    if (nameCapInput == "exit")
                        goto programSel;
                    else if (containsInt)
                        Console.WriteLine("You can't capitalize numbers. Use letters only. Try again.");
                        goto inputCap;
                    else if (isMadeOfLettersOnly)
                        string upper = nameCapInput.ToUpper();
                        Console.WriteLine($"The uppercase version of your entered text is: {upper}");
                        goto inputCap;

现在,一切正常,它将我放入其中的所有内容都大写,除了带有空格的字符串。当我输入一个带有空格的字符串时,程序会以代码 0 退出。我还不太擅长 C#,所以我真的不知道从这里往哪里走。任何帮助表示赞赏。

每次我在 C# 中学习新东西时,我都会尝试将其实现到我的项目中,这样我就可以真正学习如何实现它,以了解何时以及如何使用我学到的东西。这是一个例子。


  1. goto是个坏习惯
  2. 绝对需要开始学习调试我自己的代码。

标签: c#command-line.net-core-3.1


检查文档:https ://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.char.isletter?view=netframework-4.8

根据该IsLetter函数的文档,该空间不包含在 return true 案例中。


else if (!containsInt)
    var upper = nameCapInput.ToUpper();
    Console.WriteLine($"The uppercase version of your entered text is: {upper}");
    goto inputCap;

还要检查 goto 的文档:https ://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/goto

goto 语句将程序控制直接传递给带标签的语句。

goto 的一个常见用途是将控制转移到特定的 switch-case 标签或 switch 语句中的默认标签。

goto 语句对于跳出深度嵌套的循环也很有用。

