首页 > 解决方案 > 在python中验证输入


我正在尝试编写一个石头剪刀布程序,其中选项是 1、2 和 3。我想验证输入,以便除了这三个选项之外的任何输入都会打印一条消息,说明输入有效,并要求用户重新输入数据。我让它有点工作,但是,即使我输入 1 2 或 3,它仍然会打印消息并要求更多输入。

print("This program simulates a 'rock paper scissor' game.")
print("The rules are as follows: rock beats scissor, paper beats rock, and scissor beats paper. \n")

print("This program simulates a 'rock paper scissor' game.")
print("The rules are as follows: rock beats scissor, paper beats rock, and scissor beats paper. \n")

#get user input
user_choice = input("Please choose from the following:  \n"
                    " 1 for scissor \n"
                    " 2 for rock \n"
                    " 3 for paper. \n")

#validate input so user only enters 1, 2, or 3
while user_choice != 1 or user_choice != 2 or user_choice != 3:
    user_choice = input("Please enter only '1' for scissor, '2' for rock, or '3' for paper: ")

#convert input to int 
int_user_choice = int(user_choice)

标签: pythonvalidation



user_choice = int(input("Please choose from the following:  \n"
                    " 1 for scissor \n"
                    " 2 for rock \n"
                    " 3 for paper. \n"))

while user_choice not in [1,2,3]
