首页 > 解决方案 > TypeORM+nestjs:如何使用父泛型序列化+CRUD 子实体类,具有单个控制器、存储库、子类型验证?


我一直很难让子实体使用 REST api 自动工作。


class Block {

    public id: string;

    public type: string;



class TextBlock extends Block {

    public text: string;



所以...我有 10 多种块类型,并且我试图避免使用单独的控制器和端点来 CRUD 每种块类型。我只想要一个 BlockController,一个 /block 端点,POSTing 创建,并 PUT on /block/:id 进行更新,它可以从请求的“type”主体参数推断块的类型。

问题是在请求中,最后一个 @Body() 参数不会验证(请求不会通过),除非我使用类型“任何”......因为每个自定义块类型都在传递它的额外/自定义属性。否则我将不得不使用每个特定的 Block 子类作为参数类型,每个类型都需要自定义方法。



public create(@Principal() principal: User,
          @Param('siteId', ParseUUIDPipe) siteId: string,
          @Body(new BlockValidationPipe()) blockCreate: any): Promise<Block> {

    return this.blockService.create(principal.organization, siteId, blockCreate);



export class BlockValidationPipe implements PipeTransform<any> {
    async transform(value: any, { metatype }: ArgumentMetadata) {
        if (value.type) {
            if (value.type.id) {
                metatype = getBlockTypeFromId(value.type.id);

        if (!metatype || !this.toValidate(metatype)) {
            return value;

                // MAGIC: ==========>
        let object = objectToBlockByType(value, value.type.id, metatype);

        const errors = await validate(object);
        if (errors.length > 0) {
            throw new BadRequestException(errors, 'Validation failed');

        return object ? object : value;

    private toValidate(metatype: Function): boolean {
        const types: Function[] = [String, Boolean, Number, Array, Object];
        return !types.includes(metatype);


function castOrNull<C extends Block>(value: C, type): C | null {
    return value as typeof type;

export function objectToBlockByType(object, typeId, metatype) {
    switch(typeId) {
        case 'text':
            return castOrNull<TextBlock>(object, TextBlock);
        case 'avatar':
            return castOrNull<AvatarBlock>(object, AvatarBlock);
        case 'button':
            return castOrNull<ButtonBlock>(object, ButtonBlock);
                // etc....
            return castOrNull<Block>(object, Block);

...这一切都应该只是给我一个适当的 Block 子类实例化供控制器使用,但我不确定如何将这个特定的子类类型传递给底层服务调用以更新每个实体类型的特定块存储库。使用泛型可以做到这一点吗?

例如,在 BlockService 中,但我应该将特定的块类型(TextBlock、ButtonBlock 等)传递给 repository.save() 方法,以便它将子类类型正确地序列化到各自的表中。我假设这是可能的,但如果我在这里错了,请有人纠正我......

我正在尝试这样做,我将块数据作为其 Block 父类型传递,然后尝试获取其特定的类类型以传递以保存,但它不起作用......

public async create(organization: Organization, siteId: string, blockCreate: Block): Promise<Block> {

    let blockType: Type<any> = getBlockTypeFromId(blockCreate.type.id);
    console.log("create block", typeof blockCreate, blockCreate.constructor.name, blockCreate, typeof blockType, blockType);

    let r = await this.blockRepository.save<typeof blockCreate>({

        organization: organization,
        site: await this.siteService.getByIdAndOrganization(siteId, organization),
        type: await this.blockTypeService.getById(blockCreate.type.id),


    //r.data = JSON.parse(r.data);
    return r;

这里的问题是'typeof blockCreate'总是返回'object',我必须调用'blockCreate.constructor.name'来获取正确的子类块类型名称,但不能将其作为类型T传递。

所以我想知道......无论如何,是否有将子类 T 参数从控制器助手(它应该在其中强制转换和验证子类型)一直返回到存储库,这样我就可以将此类型 T 传递给保存(实体)调用......并正确提交它?或者,如果“typeof block”没有返回特定的子类类型,是否有任何其他方法可以从对象实例本身获取此类型 T?我认为在编译期间不可能做到前者......?



标签: typescriptgenericsnestjstypeorm



  • 一个 db/rest 服务类和
  • 一个 db/rest 控制器类,

每个都具有以下泛型类型: <E> - 用于 Entity 泛型类型。


请注意,本质上,整个事情只是围绕 TypeOrm 提供的功能的几个通用包装类。


让我们从具有一些常见 db / REST 功能的通用服务类开始:

import { Repository, DeepPartial, SaveOptions } from "typeorm";
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';

             * Provides common/general functionality for working with db data
             * via TypeOrm API.
             * see:
             *  https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/docs/repository-api.md
             * You can extend this service class for functionalities specific
             * to your given Entity.
             * A service is the work-horse for handling the tasks 
             * (such as fetching the data from data source / db)
             * delegated by a controller.
             * The service is injected in the controller who delegates the tasks
             * to the service for specific data sets / Entities / db tables.
export class DbGenService<E> {

             * @param repo 
             *    is TypeOrm repository for your given Entity <E>.
             *    (the intermediary object, which does all the work on the db end).
  constructor(readonly repo: Repository<E>) {}

             * (AUX function to create entity object):
             * Creates a new entity/entities and copies all entity properties 
             * from given objects into their new entities.
             * Note that it copies only properties that are present in the entity schema.
             * @param obj 
  async createE(obj): Promise<E[]> {
    return this.repo.create(obj);
             * (AUX function to merge two entity objects, 1st can be set empty):
             * Merges multiple entities (or entity-like objects) into a given entity.
             * @param mergeIntoEntity 
             *    the initial / source and 
             *    finally the target/resulting/merged entity
             *    Can be initilized with an empty object e.g:
             *    let e: E = {} as E;
             * @param entityLikes
             *    partial entity or an object looking like the entity
  async mergeEs(mergeIntoEntity: E, ...entityLikes: DeepPartial<E>[]): Promise<E> {
    return this.repo.merge(mergeIntoEntity, ...entityLikes);

             * Saves a given entity in the database.
             * If entity does not exist in the database,
             * then inserts, otherwise updates.
  async saveRecord(recordEntity: E): Promise<E> {
    return await this.repo.save(recordEntity);
             * Saves all given entities (array) in the database.
             * If entities do not exist in the database,
             * then inserts, otherwise updates.
  async saveRecords<T extends DeepPartial<E>>(entities: T[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise<(T & E)[]> {
    return await this.repo.save(entities, options);

             * Return all the records of the db table for this Entity
  async getAllRecords(): Promise<E[]> {
    return await this.repo.find();

             * Return the record of the db table for this Entity
             * having 
             * @param id = id
  async getRecordById(recID: number): Promise<E> {
    return await this.repo.findOne(recID);

             * Deletes the records of the db table for this Entity
             * having query statement:
             * @param query = query
  async deleteAllRecords(): Promise<void> {
    await this.repo.clear();

             * deletes the record of the db table for this Entity
             * having 
             * @param id = id
  async deleteRecord(id): Promise<void> {
    await this.repo.delete(id);

  // ... + add your common db functions here 
  //      and match them with the generic controller ....

接下来,您编写一个通用控制器,它将工作负载委托给服务 - 匹配服务功能 - 如下所示:

import { DeepPartial } from 'typeorm';
import { Controller, Get, Query, Post, Body, Put, Param, Delete } from '@nestjs/common';
import { DbGenService } from './db-gen.service';

             * General/base controller - handles basic HTTP requests of:
             *    Get, Query, Post, Body, Put, Param, Delete.
             * Provides general/base/shared db functionality 
             * (layed out in the service class: DbGenService<E> - via TypeOrm API)
             * to exteded controllers of this DbGenController class.
             * You can use this controller as a base class for your
             * specific controllers that share the same functionalities
             * with this controller.
             * Simply extend it like this:
             * @Controller('myRoute')
             * export class MyController extends DbGenController<MyEntity> { ... }
             * the extended router than handles requests such as
             * e.g:
             *    http://localhost:3000/myRoute
             *    http://localhost:3000/myRoute/1
export class DbGenController<E> {

             * DbGenService is the class with the generic working functions
             * behind the controller
  constructor(private dbGenService: DbGenService<E>) {}

             * Saves all given entities (array) in the database.
             * If entities do not exist in the database,
             * then inserts, otherwise updates.
  async saveRecord(@Body() dto: DeepPartial<E>) {
              // create the Entity from the DTO
    let e: E[] = await this.dbGenService.createE(dto);
    // OR:
    // let e: E = {} as E;
    // e = await this.dbGenService.mergeEs(e, dto);
    const records = await this.dbGenService.saveRecords(e);
    return records;

             * Return all the records of the db table for this Entity
  async getAllRecords(): Promise<E[]> {
    const records = await this.dbGenService.getAllRecords();
    return records;

             * Return the record of the db table for this Entity
             * having 
             * @param id = id
  async getRecordById(@Param('id') id): Promise<E> {
      const records = await this.dbGenService.getRecordById(id);
      return records;

             * Return the record of the db table for this Entity
             * having 
             * @param id = id
  async getRecordByFVs(@Param('id') id): Promise<E> {
      const records = await this.dbGenService.getRecordById(id);
      return records;

             * Deletes all the records of the db table for this Entity
  async deleteAllRecords(): Promise<void> {
      const records = await this.dbGenService.deleteAllRecords();
      return records;

             * Deletes the records of the db table for this Entity
             * having query statement:
             * @param query = query
  async deleteRecord(@Query() query): Promise<void> {
      const records = await this.dbGenService.deleteRecord(query.ID);
      return records;

             * Deletes the record of the db table for this Entity
             * having 
             * @param id = id
  deleteRecordById(@Param('id') id): Promise<void> {
    return this.dbGenService.deleteRecord(id);


...现在是美丽/有趣的部分 - 将这些用于您想要的任何实体 - 例如 UsersEntity - 服务:

import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { DbGenService } from '../../generic/db-gen.service';
import { UsersEntity } from '../../../entities/users.entity';

             * Users db records service.
             * General doc:
             * ------------
             * A db service is the work-horse for handling the tasks
             * (such as fetching the data from data source / db)
             * delegated by a controller.
             * The service is injected in the controller.
             * This service extends the usege of the common/generic
             * db taks/functions of the service class: DbGenService<E>,
             * where <E> is the given Entity type, which we we pass to the
             * DbGenService instance, reflecting so exactly the Entity
             * of this extended class - in this case the: UsersEntity
export class UsersService<UsersEntity> extends DbGenService<UsersEntity> {

  constructor(@InjectRepository(UsersEntity) repo: Repository<UsersEntity>) {


现在 UsersEntity - 控制器:

import { Controller } from '@nestjs/common';
import { appCfg } from '../../../../config/app-config.service';
import { DbGenController } from '../../generic/db-gen.controller';
import { UsersEntity } from '../../../entities/users.entity';
import { UsersService } from './users.service';

             * Controller - handles HTTP requests.
             * This controller handles routes of HTTP requests with suffix:
             *    /users
             * due to the decorator:
             *    @Controller('users')
             * e.g:
             *    http://localhost:3000/users
             *    http://localhost:3000/users/1
             * This service extends the usage of the common/generic
             * db controller class: DbGenController<E>,
             * where <E> is the given Entity type, which we we pass to the
             * DbGenController instance, reflecting so exactly the Entity
             * of this extended class - in this case the: UsersEntity
export class UsersController extends DbGenController<UsersEntity> {

  constructor(private usersService: UsersService<UsersEntity>) {



import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { UsersController } from './users.controller';
import { UsersService } from './users.service';
import { UsersEntity } from '../../../entities/users.entity';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';

             * UsersModule is used to export the UsersService,
             * so that other modules, specifically the AuthModule, 
             * can communicate with the database to perform 
             * its user authentication functions via an access to UsersService.
  imports: [TypeOrmModule.forFeature([UsersEntity])],
  controllers: [UsersController],
  providers: [UsersService]
export class UsersModule {}

与“UsersEntity”类似,您现在可以将放置在通用服务和通用控制器中的所有上述 REST 功能应用于任何其他实体,而无需在其控制器或服务中重写任何内容。而且,您仍然可以灵活地将特定的 REST / db 功能应用于它们各自扩展类中的每个实体控制器/服务。


REST 示例的一些语法直接来自 NestJs 文档/网站。

