首页 > 解决方案 > How do I ingest data from a CSV file stored on OneDrive into a Kusto temp table?


I have an Excel file people use to edit data outside Azure Data Explorer (Kusto). What is the Kusto code I would use to ingest this data as needed into Kusto query?

So far it seems I need to use:

.create table (Name:type, Name:type)

to create a table.

If my CSV file is stored in OneDrive, what is the syntax to fill the table? Assume the file name is Sample.csv.

标签: csvazure-data-explorerdata-ingestioningest


Azure 数据资源管理器不直接支持 OneDrive 位置。但是还有其他选择:

  1. 使用摄取命令- 您需要首先将文件放置在 Azure 存储中。
  2. One Click Ingestion - 是Web Explorer工具的一项功能,它还可以为您创建表格。您可以将文件下载到本地计算机或将其放在 Azure 存储中。
  3. 使用Kusto Explorer(Windows 客户端)的本地文件功能导入数据(仅适用于本地文件)
