首页 > 解决方案 > MariaDB Maxscale 抛出访问被拒绝,尽管用户 ID/密码是正确的


数据库版本:10.2.14 Maxscale 版本:2.4.6


userid1 : Connect to database via Maxscale with ID/Password throws Access Denied Error intermittently, sometimes connects successfully
Userid1 : Connect to database directly from application, works fine no issues
userid2 : Connect to database via Maxscale with ID/Password throws Access Denied Error intermittently, sometimes connects successfully
Userid2 : Connect to database directly from application, works fine no issues

Earlier Maxscale Version was 2.2.19 and we never faced issues.
From both (application & Maxscale) logs we can see only ACCESS DENIED errors for those id's.
What am unable to understand is 
1) Userid and Password never changed, so why we are receiving ACCESS DENIED when using Maxscale that too intermittently and no issue if we connect directly database.
2) IF Userid/Password passes wrongly then it should be always access denied, but in this case it's intermittently

标签: mariadbmaxscale


在 MariaDB Jira 中,类似的行为被报告为MXS-2891 。我建议在那个 Jira 问题上报告这些问题。
