首页 > 解决方案 > In scala shapeless, is it possible to use literal type as a generic type parameter?


Assuming that I'm writing a program for vector multiplication. Following the requirement in this article:


The multiplication should only compile successfully if the dimension of both vectors are equal. For this I define a generic type Axis that uses a shapeless literal type (the number of dimension) as the type parameter:

import shapeless.Witness

trait Axis extends Serializable

case object UnknownAxis extends Axis

trait KnownAxis[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]] extends Axis {

  def n: Int

  def ++(that: KnownAxis[W]): Unit = {}

object KnownAxis {

  val w1 = Witness(1)
  val w2 = Witness(2)

  case class K1(n: Witness.`1`.T) extends KnownAxis[w1.type]
  case class K2(n: Witness.`2`.T) extends KnownAxis[w2.type]

//  K2(2) ++ K1(1) // doesn't compile

  K2(2) ++ K2(2)

So far so good, the problem however appears when I try to generalise it for all n:

  case class KN[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]](n: W#T) extends KnownAxis[W]


The above code triggers a compilation error:

Axis.scala:36: type mismatch;
 found   : Int(1)
 required: this.T
[ERROR]   KN(1)
[ERROR]      ^
[ERROR] one error found

My question is: why Spark is incapable of focusing on the more refined type Witness.`1`.T, instead it is using type Int? What does it take to override this behaviour so case class KN can be successfully defined?

UPDATE 1: The follow up has been moved to a new question:

When using the singleton type feature of Scala shapeless, how to force the compiler to use narrow/singleton type as an implicit parameter?

标签: scalashapelessdependent-type


Scala 无法推断Wgiven并不奇怪W#T,因为一般来说,两个不同W的 s 可能具有相同的W#T。不适用于见证类型,但编译器不会对它们进行特殊处理。


// error: type arguments [scala.this.Any] do not conform to method apply's type parameter bounds [W <: shapeless.this.Witness.Lt[scala.this.Int]]


// error: type mismatch;
// found   : scala.this.Int(1)
// required: .this.T


case class KN[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]](w: W) extends KnownAxis[W] {
  val n = w.value



您可能还想考虑这种在 Scala 2.13 中不需要 Shapeless 的替代方案:

trait Axis extends Serializable

case object UnknownAxis extends Axis

trait KnownAxis[W <: Int with Singleton] extends Axis {

  def n: W

  def ++(that: KnownAxis[W]): Unit = {}

case class KN[W <: Int with Singleton](n: W) extends KnownAxis[W]


对于 2.12

import shapeless.syntax.singleton._

