首页 > 解决方案 > git rebase(?) to upstream without merging?


(Note: I strongly suspect my issue here is that I don't know what term to search for, it's very possible that the terms I'm using and what I actually want are different things. Pleas don't assuming too much based on the terms I used.)

Edit: All of the following is with regards to remote. (For the sake of discussion; assume that at the start, no local clients exist anywhere and, once I'm done, any local client created will be deleted.)

I created a fork, created a PR, that was merged into upstream and I attempted a rebase. But now when I look at the branches I intend to continue using (e.g. master), they show as being a merge of upstream/master and the stuff I did in my fork, and that despite having no changes that don't come from upstream.

What I want is to have my fork's master, when viewed on GitHub, reflect reality and show as having only upstream/master in its history. That is:


If I didn't mind losing the rest of the history, I could accomplish this by deleting the entire repository and starting over, but that seems rather drastic for such a routine and necessary operation (and that won't work at all if I had other branches with ongoing work).

标签: gitgit-rebasegit-fork


我想要的是让我的 fork 的主人,当在 GitHub 上查看时,反映现实并显示其历史中只有上游/主人

如果我理解正确,那不是现实。你的分叉的历史从你创建分叉的那一点开始,而不是从远程主控的位置开始。您的 fork 将永远与远程并行运行,并根据需要进行前向/后向合并。

当我git reset upstream/master ; git push origin master收到“更新被拒绝,因为您当前分支的尖端位于其远程对应部分之后”时。

简短的回答是,你可以完成你想要的git push origin master -f,有效地杀死你的分叉的历史,并扰乱可能在你的分叉上工作的其他人。


我对上下文的理解: www.draw.io/制作的粗图

Top 是典型的 fork 工作流程,bottom 是如果您作为远程贡献者开发独立功能分支时所遵循的工作流程。在合并到远程之后,红色是分叉主节点上的(完全有效的)提交。
