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Do any old-school emacs-ers know the justification for the prefix key's C-c and C-x? I'm binding my own keys for some custom functions, and I'm wondering if there's any sort of "standard" that defines consistency for these prefixes.

So far the only thing I've noticed is that C-x is used for manipulating buffers (C-x C-f, C-x C-s, etc), but I haven't found a general theme for C-c yet. Thoughts?

标签: emacskey-bindingshistory


If you look at the manual, C-c followed by a single key is conventionally reserved for user-defined bindings, along with some other prefixes, which see.

I think people have a lot of strategies for managing their personal bindings, for example, I remap CapsLock to F2 and root most of my personal keymaps from there.
