首页 > 解决方案 > Openscad 子组件单个 STL 文件


我试图找出是否可以通过具有命名子组件的 OpenSCAD 制作单个 STL 文件。我阅读了 STL 规范(因为这就是我要导入的内容)。我什至不确定软件(xray-sim)是否可以正确处理子组件。

我正在制作的物品具有确定的材料。我需要将每种材料加载到模拟软件中并将其分配给对象的一部分。单个对象可以让我在 sim 软件中更轻松地操作它,并根据需要将材料分配给子组件。

我无法弄清楚如何做到这一点,或者是否可能。阅读示例建议将 ASCII STL 文件连接在一起,然后修改顶点/面数。那将是我维护可维护性的最后手段。


标签: openscad


STL files do not have named sub-assemblies. Concatenating multiple STL files together will not cause STL files to have named sub-assemblies, and there's easier ways to do that than catting files together, you could use tools like meshlab or blender.

You probably need to export each "sub-assembly" as their own STL file, you can automate that through the openscad command line interface.

Beyond that your question is too unclear to answer well.
