首页 > 解决方案 > How do I tell figwheel to start and connect to Google Chrome instead of Firefox?


I'm taking some baby steps with figwheel.

When I fire up the tutorial application, it starts firefox, which then connects back to the figwheel process to get code to run on its JavaScript engine. If firefox is already running, a new tab is opened and the connection proceeds likewise. Figwheel probably just executes the firefox command with appropriate options. Or maybe it is using xdg-open.

The system is a Fedora Linux with KDE. Interestingly a "default browser" is not currently configured (how to configure the default browser is described in these KDE help pages): the application to start is selected based on URL contents. So I am not sure why figwheel selects firefox instead of Google Chrome, also installed.

Web Browser is selected based on this config

Now, for testing purposes I sometimes want figwheeel to use a Google Chrome process instead. Is there a way to do that?

There seems to be no option regarding this.

标签: configurationfigwheel


您可以使用 figwheel 的:launch-js选项来定义应采取的操作,例如:

:launch-js ["chrome" "--repl" :open-url]
