首页 > 解决方案 > 当用户在对话框流中从另一个意图键入列表项时如何触发列表


我有一个显示 3 个项目的列表,但是当我从列表(intent1)中选择一个项目时,它会起作用并触发意图 2,但是在几个意图之后,如果我再次输入项目名称,那么意图 2 不会触发并给出回退的响应意图。


const ItemList = {
    title: "Select to update.",
    items: {
      "Games": {
        title: "Games",
        description: "Click here to update Games details.",
        image: new Image({
          url: 'https://img.icons8.com/plasticine/2x/name.png',
          alt: 'p1',
      "Books": {
        title: "Books",
        description: "Click here to update Books details.",
        image: new Image({
          url: 'https://img.icons8.com/plasticine/2x/name.png',
          alt: 'p2',
      "Language": {
        title: "Language",
        description: "Click here to update Language details.",
        image: new Image({
          url: 'https://img.icons8.com/plasticine/2x/name.png',
          alt: 'p3',

app.intent(SHOW_LIST_INTENT, (conv) => {
  conv.ask("Here's the list.");
  conv.ask(new List(ItemList));

app.intent(SELECTED_ITEM_INTENT, (conv, input, option) => {
    conv.contexts.set(AppContexts.AWAITING_ITEM, 1, {item: option});

    if (option === 'Games'){
      conv.ask(`Which is your favorite Game?`); 
    } else if (option === 'Language'){
      conv.ask(`Which ${option} do you know?`);
    } else if (option === 'Books'){
      conv.ask(`Your favorite ${option} name?`);

app.intent(HANDLER_INTENT, (conv, parameters) => {
  const context = conv.contexts.get(AppContexts.AWAITING_ITEM);
  const selectedItem = context.parameters.item;

    if (selectedItem === 'Games'){
      conv.ask(`${parameters} is updated as your favorite Game. ` + `Your next preference?`);
      conv.ask(new Suggestions([`Add More Games`, `Show List`]));
    } else if (selectedItem === 'Books'){
      conv.ask(`${parameters} is updated as your favorite Book. ` + `Your next preference?`);
      conv.ask(new Suggestions([`Add More Books`, `Show List`]));
    } else if (selectedItem === 'Language'){
      conv.ask(`${parameters} is updated as your Language. ` + `Your next preference?`);
      conv.ask(new Suggestions([`Add More Language`, `Show List`]));

exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(app);

当用户说添加更多游戏时,我想触发 SELECTED_ITEM_INTENT


显示列表意图 选定项目意图 处理程序意图

标签: node.jsactions-on-googlechatbotdialogflow-es-fulfillment





Agent: Would you like to update the Games, Books, or Language details?
User:  Games
Agent: What is your favorite game?
User:  Rock, paper, scissors
Agent: Rock, paper, scissors has been set as your favorite game. What would you like to update next?
User:  Another game


Agent: Would you like to update the Games, Books, or Language details?
User:  Game details
Agent: What is your favorite game?
User:  Rock, paper, scissors
Agent: Rock, paper, scissors has been set as your favorite game. What would you like to update next?
User:  Another game


Agent: Would you like to update the Games, Books, or Language details?
User:  Books
Agent: What is your favorite book?
User:  I meant game
Agent: What is your favorite game?
User:  Rock, paper, scissors
Agent: Rock, paper, scissors has been set as your favorite game. What would you like to update next?
User:  I don't know


  1. 用“书籍”、“游戏”、“语言详细信息”、“我的意思是游戏”、“添加更多语言”、“另一本书”等短语来表明他们想要的类别。
    • 这表明对于用户可能说的短语,每个类别都可能是一个很好的实体。
  2. 随着他们正在更新的任何东西的价值
    • 这可以通过使用上下文来知道我们何时要求特定的东西来很好地处理。正如你所做的那样。
  3. 用诸如“我能做什么?”之类的短语寻求帮助。或“我不明白”。

这些中的每一个都将使用带有短语和为这些短语调整的输入上下文的意图来完成。在输出中,我们可能会在适当的地方使用 Suggestion Chips 来提示我们对第一个 Intent 期望的可能类别。


Agent: Rock, paper, scissors has been set as your favorite game. What would you like to update next?
User:  Add another one

用户知道他们只是设置了一个游戏,并且他们想要设置另一个游戏。但他们并没有专门使用“游戏”这个词。我们将需要跟踪他们最后在 Context 中更新的类别,并有另一个 Intent 可以处理诸如“添加另一个”或“同一件事”之类的短语。


Agent: Rock, paper, scissors has been set as your favorite game. What would you like to update next?
User:  Add a book named Dungeon Masters Guide

在这里,它们结合了我们认为是单独的 Intent 的东西。因此,我们可能需要添加一个处理诸如此类的短语的 Intent,它们同时指定类别和信息。
