首页 > 解决方案 > How do I force Google App Deploy to upload a tgz file of my node app (Meteor) instead of 57K individual files?


Have a Meteor application that I’m deploying to a custom flex environment. Deploying same built folder to multiple Google Projects. Usually a .tgz file is created in my local temp folder and then uploaded to the projects default Google bucket and extracted from there to create an App Engine version.

Usually isn’t working for me in one of the projects and instead the gcloud app deploy command is uploading 57K individual files from node_modules. This makes a process go from minutes to multiple hours (ran it over night and still not done).‘</p>

I’ve tried reinitializing the gcloud configuration, updating gcloud components, changing the default bucket, but not working. It’s doing some sort of check to see what’s been uploaded because it’ll skip uploaded files if I kill and start again.

标签: google-app-enginemeteorgcloud



根据官方文档gcloud 主题 gcloudignore

gcloud 中的几个命令涉及将目录的内容上传到 Google Cloud Platform 以进行托管或构建。在许多情况下,您不想上传某些文件(即“忽略”它们)。如果顶层目录中有一个名为 .gcloudignore 的文件要上传,它指定的文件将被忽略。



