首页 > 解决方案 > 有没有办法让我在java中的单一方法中加密和解密给定密钥的消息?


我是编程新手,过去只做过 ​​Python。目前,我正在从事一项大学作业,要求我实施凯撒密码。首先,给了我一个名为“Cipher”的接口,并负责编写一个名为“RotationCipher”的类来实现这个接口。


public interface Cipher {

 * Encodes the given plain text into a secret cipher text
 * @param plainText the plain text to encode
 * @return the cipher text
abstract public String encrypt(String plainText);

 * Determines the plain text string for a given cipher text.
 * @param cipherText the cipher text to decode
 * @return the plain text original

abstract public String decrypt(String cipherText);


abstract class RotationCipher implements Cipher {

protected int shift;

public RotationCipher(int key) {
    shift = key;

protected String text;

protected abstract String rotate(int shift, String text);

public String encrypt(String plainText) {
    String cipherText = rotate(shift, plainText);
    return cipherText;

public String decrypt(String cipherText) {
    shift = shift - 26;
    String plainText = rotate(shift, cipherText);
    return plainText;

继承自 RotationCipher 类的子类 CaesarCipher(用于加密和解密给定密钥的消息):

public class CaesarCipher extends RotationCipher{

public CaesarCipher(int key){
    super (key);

public String rotate(int shift, String text) {
    String cipherTxt = "";
    String plainTxt = "";

    if(shift>26) {
        shift = shift%26;
    }else if(shift < 0) {
        shift = (shift%26) + 26;

    int length = text.length();
    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

        char ch = text.charAt(i);

        if(Character.isLetter(ch)) {
            if(Character.isLowerCase(ch)) {
                char c = (char)(ch + shift);
                if(c > 'z') {
                    cipherTxt = cipherTxt + (char)(ch - (26 - shift));
                }else {
                    cipherTxt = cipherTxt + c;

            }else if(Character.isUpperCase(ch)) {
                char c = (char)(ch + shift);
                if(c > 'Z') {
                    cipherTxt = cipherTxt + (char)(ch - (26 - shift));
                }else if(ch == 'X') {
                    cipherTxt = cipherTxt + (char)(ch -(26 - shift));
                else {
                    cipherTxt = cipherTxt + c;
        }else if(Character.isLetter(ch) == false) {
            cipherTxt = cipherTxt + ch;

    return cipherTxt;


标签: javaencryptioncaesar-cipher

