首页 > 解决方案 > Python - 查找字符串列表中包含的唯一子字符串的索引,而无需遍历所有项目



a = ['mark','george', .... , " ...other ...", "matt','lisa', ... ]


a = ['karen','chris','lucas', ............................., '...other']

如您所见,包含子字符串“other”的项目的位置是随机的。我的目标是尽可能快地获得包含子字符串“其他”的项目的索引。我在这里找到了其他答案,大多数人建议对查找进行列表理解。例如:在 Python 中的列表中查找子字符串检查 Python 列表项是否包含另一个字符串中的字符串 它们对我不起作用,因为它们太慢了。此外,其他解决方案建议使用“任何”来简单地检查列表中是否包含“其他”,但我需要索引而不是布尔值。我相信正则表达式可能是一个很好的潜在解决方案,即使我很难弄清楚如何。到目前为止,我只是设法做到了以下几点:

# any_other_value_available  will tell me extremely quickly if 'other' is contained in list.
any_other_value_available = 'other' in str(list_unique_keys_in_dict).lower()


标签: python



1. 生成器方法

next(i for i,v in enumerate(test_strings) if 'other' in v)


[i for i,v in enumerate(test_strings) if 'other' in v]

3. 使用带有生成器的索引(@HeapOverflow 建议)

test_strings.index(next(v for v in test_strings if 'other' in v))

4. 带有生成器的正则表达式

re_pattern = re.compile('.*other.*')
next(test_strings.index(x) for x in test_strings if re_pattern.search(x))


索引方法的时间最快(@HeapOverflow 在评论中建议的方法)。


使用使用 timeit的 Perfplot

import random 
import string
import re
import perfplot

def random_string(N):
    return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(N))

def create_strings(length):
    M = length // 2
    random_strings = [random_string(5) for _ in range(length)]

    front = ['...other...'] + random_strings
    middle = random_strings[:M] + ['...other...'] + random_strings[M:]
    end_ = random_strings + ['...other...']

    return front, middle, end_

def search_list_comprehension(test_strings):
    return [i for i,v in enumerate(test_strings) if 'other' in v][0]

def search_genearator(test_strings):
    return next(i for i,v in enumerate(test_strings) if 'other' in v)

def search_index(test_strings):
    return test_strings.index(next(v for v in test_strings if 'other' in v))

def search_regex(test_strings):
    re_pattern = re.compile('.*other.*')
    return next(test_strings.index(x) for x in test_strings if re_pattern.search(x))

# Each benchmark is run with the '..other...' placed in the front, middle and end of a random list of strings.

out = perfplot.bench(
    setup=lambda n: create_strings(n),  # create front, middle, end strings of length n
        lambda a: [search_list_comprehension(x) for x in a],
        lambda a: [search_genearator(x) for x in a],
        lambda a: [search_index(x) for x in a],
        lambda a: [search_regex(x) for x in a],
    labels=["list_comp", "generator", "index", "regex"],
    n_range=[2 ** k for k in range(15)],
    xlabel="lenght list",
    # More optional arguments with their default values:
    # title=None,
    # logx="auto",  # set to True or False to force scaling
    # logy="auto",
    # equality_check=numpy.allclose,  # set to None to disable "correctness" assertion
    # automatic_order=True,
    # colors=None,
    # target_time_per_measurement=1.0,
    # time_unit="s",  # set to one of ("auto", "s", "ms", "us", or "ns") to force plot units
    # relative_to=1,  # plot the timings relative to one of the measurements
    # flops=lambda n: 3*n,  # FLOPS plots




length list   regex    list_comp  generator    index
     1.0     10199.0     3699.0     4199.0     3899.0
     2.0     11399.0     3899.0     4300.0     4199.0
     4.0     13099.0     4300.0     4599.0     4300.0
     8.0     16300.0     5299.0     5099.0     4800.0
    16.0     22399.0     7199.0     5999.0     5699.0
    32.0     34900.0    10799.0     7799.0     7499.0
    64.0     59300.0    18599.0    11799.0    11200.0
   128.0    108599.0    33899.0    19299.0    18500.0
   256.0    205899.0    64699.0    34699.0    33099.0
   512.0    403000.0   138199.0    69099.0    62499.0
  1024.0    798900.0   285600.0   142599.0   120900.0
  2048.0   1599999.0   582999.0   288699.0   239299.0
  4096.0   3191899.0  1179200.0   583599.0   478899.0
  8192.0   6332699.0  2356400.0  1176399.0   953500.0
 16384.0  12779600.0  4731100.0  2339099.0  1897100.0
