首页 > 解决方案 > 为待办事项添加任务



我可以通过其 id 获取特定的待办事项列表并向其中添加一些任务吗?我是 javascript 新手,所以我在 google 上搜索了有关为特定列表添加列表但没有结果的信息:(

class Model {
  constructor() {}

  this.todos = [
        id: 1,
       title: 'Outside',
       text: 'Running',
       complete: false,
       tasks: [
       { id: 1, text: 'Run a marathon', complete: false},
       { id: 2, text: 'Run with freinds', complete: false}
        id: 2,
       title: 'Garden',
       text: 'Plant',
       complete: false,
       tasks: [
       { id: 1, text: 'Plant a garden', complete: false},
       { id: 2, text: 'Water the garden', complete: false}

    addTodo(todoText) {
        const todo = {
        id: this.todos.length > 0 ? this.todos[this.todos.length - 1].id + 1 : 1,
        text: todoText,
        complete: false,
        tasks: []


像这样为特定的待办事项列表添加任务的 addTodo 函数是真的吗?

addTodoTask(todoTaskText) {
        const todoTask = {
        id: this.todos.tasks.length > 0 ? this.todos[this.todos.tasks.length - 1].id + 1 : 1,
        text: todoText,
        complete: false,


以及如何在 javascript 中添加列表列表,例如:

<li>Run a marathon</li>
<li>Run with freind</li>

标签: javascript



编辑:这些render()方法使用 ES6模板文字。这些是特殊的字符串,允许您在不使用字符串连接的情况下嵌入变量和表达式。

const main = () => {
  let todoList = new TodoList({ todos : getData() })
  document.body.innerHTML = todoList.render()

class TodoTask {
  constructor(options) {
    this.id = options.id
    this.text = options.text
    this.complete = options.complete
  render() {
    return `<li>[${this.id}] ${this.text} (${this.complete})</li>`

class TodoEntry {
  constructor(options) {
    this.id = options.id
    this.title = options.title
    this.text = options.text
    this.complete = options.complete
    this.tasks = []
    if (options.tasks) {
      options.tasks.forEach(task => this.addTask(task))
  addTask(task) {
    this.tasks.push(new TodoTask(Object.assign({
      id : (this.tasks.length || 0) + 1
    }, task)))
  render() {
    return `<li>
      [${this.id}] ${this.title} (${this.complete})
      <ul>${this.tasks.map(task => task.render()).join('')}</ul>

class TodoList {
  constructor(options) {
    this.todos = []
    if (options.todos) {
      options.todos.forEach(todo => this.addTodo(todo))
  addTodo(todo) {
    this.todos.push(new TodoEntry(Object.assign({
      id : (this.todos.length || 0) + 1
    }, todo)))
  render() {
    return `<ul>${this.todos.map(todo => todo.render()).join('')}</ul>`

function getData() {
  return [{
    id: 1,
    title: 'Outside',
    text: 'Running',
    complete: false,
    tasks: [{
      id: 1,
      text: 'Run a marathon',
      complete: false
    }, {
      id: 2,
      text: 'Run with freinds',
      complete: false
  }, {
    id: 2,
    title: 'Garden',
    text: 'Plant',
    complete: false,
    tasks: [{
      id: 1,
      text: 'Plant a garden',
      complete: false
    }, {
      id: 2,
      text: 'Water the garden',
      complete: false

main() // entry
