首页 > 解决方案 > 带有Gtk的Linux中的rstudio失败了吗?


我试图在 Ubuntu 中打开 RStudio,但遇到了以下错误。它正在加载工作室,但打开后它突然消失了。

$ rstudio
Gtk-Message: 11:50:42.854: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"
Gtk-Message: 11:50:42.856: Failed to load module "atk-bridge"
Gtk-Message: 11:50:42.859: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
load glyph failed err=6 face=0x565548afd120, glyph=2798
load glyph failed err=6 face=0x565548afd120, glyph=2798
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Ubuntu Version:18.04.2 
R Version: 3.5.2 
Rstudio: 1.1.456 

标签: rlinuxubunturstudiobioconductor

