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我编写的这个 LinkedList Checkbook 程序不断出现分段错误,并且不会显示我的支票日期?我一直在尝试调试,但找不到出错的地方。程序正常运行,除非它显示支票簿中的支票,它不显示用户在创建新支票时输入的日期。选择查看特定检查的选项时,程序会获取分段故障。


 * The purpose of this program is to use a linked list in a C program.
 * Date Created: 8 March 2020

 * Variable to track items and clear the buffer
char temp [50];

/* Check structure */
struct check {
    int num;
    char date[30];
    char to[30];
    float amount;
    char descrip[30];
    struct check *next;

/* Linked list of checks (checkbook) */
struct check *checkbook = NULL;

/* Keep track of last node, last check in the book */
struct check *last = NULL;

/* Function declarations */
void addCheck(); //Add a check to the checkbook
void deleteCheck(int chkNum); //Delete a check from the checkbook
void showCheck(struct check *thisCheck); //show the desired check
void showCheckbook(); //show the entire checkbook
void showSpecificCheck(int chkNum); //show a specific check to the user


/* Adds a check to the checkbook */
void addCheck() {

    /* Creates new node and memory for the node. */
    struct check *newNode = (struct check *)malloc(sizeof(struct check));

    /* Sets the number of the check */
    if (last == NULL) {
        newNode -> num = 1;
    } else {
        newNode -> num = last -> num + 1;

    /* Get user input for the check */

    printf("Enter the number of the check: ");
    scanf("%d", &newNode -> num);

    printf("Enter the date in dd/mm/yy format: ");
    fgets(newNode -> date, 30, stdin);

    /* Removes extra newline */
    fgets(temp, 50, stdin);

    printf("Enter the recipient: ");
    fgets(newNode -> to, 30, stdin);

    printf("Enter the amount in decimal form: ");
    scanf("%f", &newNode -> amount);

    /* Removes extra newline */
    fgets(temp, 50, stdin);

    printf("Enter a description: ");
    fgets(newNode -> descrip, 30, stdin);

    /* Print check info */
    printf("Check Number: %d\n", newNode -> num);
    printf("Date: %s", newNode -> date);
    printf("To: %s", newNode -> to);
    printf("Amount: %.2f\n", newNode -> amount);
    printf("Description: %s", newNode -> descrip);

    if (checkbook == NULL) {
        checkbook = newNode;
        last = newNode;
    } else {
        last -> next = newNode;
        last = newNode;

/* Deleting a check */
void deleteCheck(int chkNum) {

    struct check *temp = checkbook;
    struct check *del = NULL;

    if (temp == NULL) {
        printf("Check %d was not found. \n", chkNum);

    if(chkNum == 1) {
        checkbook = temp -> next;

    for (int i = 0;i < chkNum-2;i++)
        temp = temp -> next; //temp points to the n-1th node in the list
    del = temp -> next; //nth node
    temp -> next = del -> next; //n-1th node
    free(del); //delete del

/* Show a specific check */
void showSpecificCheck(int chkNum) {

    struct check *temp = checkbook;
    struct check *del = NULL;

    /* Empty list */
    if (temp = NULL) {
        printf("Check %d was not found. \n", chkNum);
    /* First node */
    else if (temp -> num == chkNum) {
    /* Other node */
    else {
        while (temp != NULL) {
            /* Number is not in list */
            if (temp -> next == NULL) {
                printf("Check %d was not found. \n", chkNum);
            /* if number is found */
            else {
                showCheck(temp -> next);

 * Show Check Function
 * @param the check to diplay
void showCheck(struct check *thisCheck) {

    printf("Check #: %d\n", thisCheck -> num);
    printf("Date: %s\n", thisCheck -> date);
    printf("To: %s\n", thisCheck -> to);
    printf("Amount: %.2f\n", thisCheck -> amount);
    printf("Description: %s\n", thisCheck -> descrip);


 * Show Checkbook Function
void showCheckbook() {
    struct check *current = checkbook;

    while (current != NULL) {
        current = current -> next;

 * Main function
int main() {

    /* Keeps the user choice displayed */
    char choice = ' ';

    /* Displays greeting */
    printf("Aloha and welcome to your checkbook! Please select one of the options below: \n");

    /* Continues to run program while user does not want to exit */
    while ( choice != 'e') {

        /* Display selection options to the user */
        printf("Press 'a' to add a new check \n");
        printf("Press 'v' to view your checkbook \n");
        printf("Press 'c' to view a specific check \n");
        printf("Press 'd' to delete a specific check \n");
        printf("Press 'e' to exit the program \n\n");
        printf("Enter your choice: \n");

        /* Gets the user choice */
        scanf("%c", &choice);

        if (choice == 'a' ) {

        else if (choice == 'v') {
            /* Removes extra newline */
            fgets(temp, 50, stdin);

        else if (choice == 'c') {
            int i;
            printf("Enter the check number: \n");
            scanf(" %d", &i);

            /* Removes extra newline */
            fgets(temp, 50, stdin);

        else if (choice == 'd') {
            int j;
            printf("Enter the number of the check you want to delete: \n");
            scanf(" %d", &j);

            /* Removes extra newline */
            fgets(temp, 50, stdin);

        else if (choice == 'e') {
            printf("Mahalo for using your checkbook. Have a great day!");

        else {
            printf("You must enter one of the selected options above.");



标签: cgcc



if (temp = NULL) {
    printf("Check %d was not found. \n", chkNum)


if (temp == NULL) {
    printf("Check %d was not found. \n", chkNum);



/* Removes extra newline */
fgets(temp, 50, stdin);


但是,这并不能解决日期字段保持为空(即带有一个'\n'字符)的事实,以解决此问题getchar();fgets(newNode->date, 30, stdin);然后您可以删除fgets(temp, 50, stdin);



