首页 > 解决方案 > 将一个工作表中命名范围的单元格值复制到另一个工作表,从用户定义的单元格开始



Option Explicit
Sub Copy_DOD()  'Copy specified named range

Dim dws, sws As Worksheet ' Destination and source worksheets
Dim swb As Workbook ' Source workbook
Dim DrawingCode, swsName As String 

Set dws = Worksheets("Drawing")
Set swb = Workbooks("Master.xlsm")

With dws

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    ' Get Drawing Code

    DrawingCode = dws.Range("DrawingCode")

    ' Determine Source Worksheet - DrawingCode up to character "x" 
    ' e.g code of 1234x56 produces worksheet name "1234" 

    swsName = Left(DrawingCode, (InStr(DrawingCode, "x")) - 1)

    ' Copy Cells to Destination sheet

   swb.Worksheets(swsName).Range(DrawingCode).Copy Range("X6")

End With

End Sub

我不想使用预定义的单元格(“X6”)作为要复制到的目标起始单元格,而是让用户指定起始单元格,而不是使用 InputBox。以下成功从用户那里获取指定的目标单元格,但在粘贴范围时失败。我知道我必须错误地定义粘贴,但无法弄清楚它需要什么。欢迎任何指导!

Option Explicit
Sub Copy_DOD()  'Copy specified named range

Dim dws, sws As Worksheet ' Destination and source worksheets
Dim swb As Workbook ' Source workbook
Dim DrawingCode, swsName As String 
Dim DockTopLeftCell As Range
Dim dTopLeftRow, dTopLeftColumn As Integer

Set dws = Worksheets("Drawing")
Set swb = Workbooks("Master.xlsm")

With dws

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    ' Get the top left cell for the dock drawing and determine row and column values

        On Error Resume Next
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Set DockTopLeftCell = (Application.InputBox("Enter the cell to be the top left corner of the dock drawing (DO NOT GO LESS THAN CELL X6)", Type:=8))
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        On Error GoTo 0
        If DockTopLeftCell Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
            dTopLeftRow = DockTopLeftCell.Row            ' Set dock drawing row origin
            dTopLeftColumn = DockTopLeftCell.Column      ' Set dock drawing column origin

    ' Get Drawing Code

    DrawingCode = dws.Range("DrawingCode")

    ' Determine Source Worksheet - DrawingCode up to character "x" 
    ' e.g code of 1234x56 produces worksheet name "1234" 

    swsName = Left(DrawingCode, (InStr(DrawingCode, "x")) - 1)

    ' Copy Cells to Destination sheet

    swb.Worksheets(swsName).Range(DrawingCode).Copy Range(DockTopLeftCell)
    'swb.Worksheets(swsName).Range(DrawingCode).Copy Range("X6")

End With

End Sub

标签: excelvba



Sub Copy_DOD_2()  'Copy specified named range

    Dim sWb As Workbook                         ' Source workbook
    ' if no data type is prescribed VBA assumes Variant
    ' VBA does NOT assume the data type specified for the
    ' last item in a line.
    Dim dWs As Worksheet, sWs As Worksheet      ' Destination and source worksheets
    Dim DrawingCode As String, sWsName As String
    Dim DockTopLeftCell As Range
'    Dim dTopLeftRow As Long, dTopLeftColumn As Long

    Set sWb = Workbooks("Master.xlsm")
    Set dWs = Worksheets("Drawing")         ' this Ws is in the ActiveWorkbook
                                            ' maybe "Master", perhaps another

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    With dWs

        ' Get the top left cell for the dock drawing and determine row and column values
        ' Application Alerts provide useful help in this case.
        On Error Resume Next
        Set DockTopLeftCell = Application.InputBox( _
                             "Enter the cell to be the top left corner " & _
                             "of the dock drawing" & vbCr & _
                             "(DO NOT GO LESS THAN CELL X6)", _
                             "Dock drawing cell", "X6", Type:=8)
        If DockTopLeftCell Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

        On Error GoTo 0
'            dTopLeftRow = DockTopLeftCell.Row            ' Set dock drawing row origin
'            dTopLeftColumn = DockTopLeftCell.Column      ' Set dock drawing column origin

        ' Get Drawing Code

        DrawingCode = dWs.Range("DrawingCode").Value

        ' Determine Source Worksheet - DrawingCode up to character "x"
        ' e.g code of 1234x56 produces worksheet name "1234"

        sWsName = Left(DrawingCode, (InStr(DrawingCode, "x")) - 1)

        ' Copy Cells to Destination sheet

        sWb.Worksheets(sWsName).Range(DrawingCode).Copy DockTopLeftCell
        'swb.Worksheets(swsName).Range(DrawingCode).Copy Range("X6")

    End With

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

错误似乎DockTopLeftCell已经是一个范围。因此Range(DockTopLeftCell)必然失败。但是,我想提醒您注意指定范围的位置。Type 8 InputBox 大概定义了当前 ActiveSheet 上的范围。您的代码中没有证据表明可能是哪张表。因此,您可能会对副本的最终位置感到惊讶。

我可能会获取指定单元格的地址并在我想要的工作表上使用它,例如Set DockTopLeftCell = MySheet.Range(DockTopLeftCell.Address). 那么地址是在哪张纸上创建的就无关紧要了。
