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所以在 freeCodeCamp 上有这个挑战:



例如,如果给定 1 和 3,找出 1 和 3 的最小公倍数,它也能被 1 和 3 之间的所有数字整除。这里的答案是 6。


    function smallestCommons(arr) {

      var max = Math.max(arr[0], arr[1]);
      var min = Math.min(arr[0], arr[1]);
      var mltple = max;

      for(var i = max; i >= min; i--){
        if(mltple % i !== 0){
          mltple += max; 
          i = max;

      return mltple;  


标签: javascript



function smallestCommons(arr) {
  // given: arr is an array containing two integers
  // they are accessed using their indexes

  // figure out which of the numbers is greater
  var max = Math.max(arr[0], arr[1]);

  // figure out which of the numbers is lesser
  var min = Math.min(arr[0], arr[1]);

  // declare the variable mltple which will hold the answer
  // it can't be less than the greater of the two numbers in arr
  // so set it to max
  var mltple = max;

  // start with the larger of the numbers in arr (i.e. max)
  // count down and run the following loop for each number 
  // until we reach min
  // i will keep track of the number as it counts down
  for (var i = max; i >= min; i--) {

    // check to see if there is a remainder when mltple
    // is divided by i
    // if there is, then mltple must not be 
    // the least common multiple
    if (mltple % i !== 0) {

      // as long as there's no remainder,
      // we increase mltple by max
      mltple += max;

      // set i to max and begin the countdown loop again
      i = max;
    // if there is no remainder when dividing mltple by i
    // then i is decreased by 1 and the loop runs again
    // when i reaches a number less than min, the loop exits
    // and the function returns the value of mltple

  return mltple;
