首页 > 解决方案 > 汇编中输出前面的空间


我正在编写一个使用 3 个宏(mGetHandles、mWriteFile、mReadFile)的程序集(x64)程序。我想产生以下输出(用户输入粗体):

你的地址是什么?54321 Main St., La Mesa
John Smith
54321 Main St., La Mesa


CONSOLE     equ     -11
KEYBOARD    equ     -10

CR          equ         0dh
LF          equ         0ah

extern GetStdHandle:    PROTO
extern WriteFile:       PROTO
extern ReadFile:        PROTO
extrn ExitProcess:      PROTO

prompt1     byte    'What is your name? '
prompt2     byte    'What is your adress? '
hello       byte    'Nice to meet you, ', CR, LF 
myname      byte    40 dup(' '), CR, LF, 0
myadress    byte    40 dup(' ')
crlf        byte    CR, LF, 0       ;used to get a new line

stdin       qword   ?   ;handle to console standard in
stdout      qword   ?   ;handle to console standard out
numWrite    qword   ?   ;number bytes actually written
numRead     qword   ?   ;number bytes actually read

mGetStdHandle   MACRO

                ;Get handle ID to console window
                mov rcx, CONSOLE            ;subsystem:console
                call GetStdHandle           ;handle in rax
                mov stdout, rax             ;save out handle
                mov rcx, KEYBOARD           ;keyboard code
                call GetStdHandle           ;handle in rax
                mov stdin, rax              ;save in handle


mWriteFile      MACRO
                ;Display message on console window
                mov rcx, stdout             ;parm1 = console handle
                lea rdx, prompt1            ;parm2 = ascii message
                mov r8, lengthof prompt1    ;# bytes to display (write)
                lea r9, numWrite            ;& to store #bytes written
                call WriteFile              ;display message

                ;Read ASCII from the keyboard
                mov rcx, offset crlf        ;cr, lf
                mov rcx, stdin              ;parm1 = keyboard handle
                lea rdx, myname             ;parm1 = ascii buffer
                mov r8, lengthof myname     ;# bytes of read
                lea r9, numRead             ;& to store #bytes actually read
                call ReadFile               ;get keystrokes

                ;Display message on console window
                mov rcx, stdout             ;parm1 = console handle
                lea rdx, prompt2            ;parm2 = ascii message
                mov r8, lengthof prompt2    ;# bytes to display (write)
                lea r9, numWrite            ;& to store #bytes written
                call WriteFile              ;display message

                ;Read ASCII from the keyboard
                mov rcx, offset crlf        ;cr, lf
                mov rcx, stdin              ;parm1 = keyboard handle
                lea rdx, myadress           ;parm1 = ascii buffer
                mov r8, lengthof myadress   ;# bytes of read
                lea r9, numRead             ;& to store #bytes actually read
                call ReadFile               ;get keystrokes


mReadFile       MACRO
                mov rcx, stdout             ;parm1 = console handle
                lea rdx, hello              ;parm2 = ascii message
                mov r8, lengthof hello      ;# bytes to display (write)
                add r8, numRead             ;& to store #bytes actually read
                sub r8, 2
                lea r9, numWrite            ;& to store #bytes written
                call WriteFile              ;display message    

                mov rcx, stdout             ;parm1 = console handle
                lea rdx, myadress           ;parm2 = ascii message
                mov r8, lengthof myadress   ;# bytes to display (write)
                add r8, numRead             ;& to store #bytes actually read
                sub r8, 2
                lea r9, numWrite            ;& to store #bytes written
                call WriteFile              ;display message

mBye            MACRO       retcode
                mov  rcx, retcode

mainCRTStartup  PROC

                call ExitProcess

mainCRTStartup  ENDP

__________54321 Main St., La Mesa
为什么“54321 Main St., La Mesa”之前有空格?

标签: winapiassemblyx86-64masm

