首页 > 解决方案 > 更改 LaTex 中的附录格式



我正在使用 Rmarkdown 并通过 Sweave 从 .Rnw 文件编译 PDF。

以下是现有模板生成的内容。我包含了两个版本,一个是 \chapter{} 是空白的,一个是我使用 \chapter{Appendices}。

目录1 文本1 目录2 文本2

我需要的是让 TOC 看起来像:

Appendices                                                     128 

  Appendix A The CATE as a ratio of covariances .............. 128
  Appendix B CATE in Morgan and Winship (2014) ............... 130
  Appendix C Data-Generating Syntax .......................... 132
  Appendix D Estimator Syntax ................................ 136

我需要文本以“附录 A”开头,并在页面顶部居中并对齐(对于其他附录,依此类推)。我不能将“附录”作为标题 - 它需要直接跳转到显示各个附录名称。


% table of contents configuration
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents} % default: Contents
\renewcommand{\cftdotsep}{0.25} % default: 4.5
% Prefix chapter numbers with "Chapter " and add space as needed
\renewcommand{\cftchappresnum}{\@chapapp\ }

% chapter heading configuration
% simplified version of the original from report.cls
  % print "Chapter N"
% star-chapter variation
  % prevent page break between following lines at all costs
  \bfseries #1\par\nobreak

% toc/lot/lof heading configuration
% copy toc to lot
% copy toc to lof


  % ensure that the TOC picks up the redefined value of \@chapapp
  \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\renewcommand\protect\cftchappresnum{\@chapapp\ }}


标签: latexr-markdownpdflatexsweavecls



\chapter*{Appendices}% If \appendix doesn't insert a \chapter
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendices}% Print Appendix in ToC
\setcounter{section}{0}% Reset numbering for sections
\renewcommand{\thesection}{\Alph{section}}% Adjust section printing (from here onward)
\section{First Appendix}
\section{Second Appendix}
\section{Third Appendix}
