首页 > 解决方案 > C++ 复制构造函数 - 指针分段错误的深度复制


我最近开始通过高级计算机科学基础 MOOC 学习 C++。我们有一个在隐藏的 .h 文件中声明的挑战(不能更改),我们需要对在 .h 文件中初始化的所有成员函数/构造函数/析构函数进行编码。



  class Pair {
      int *pa,*pb;
      Pair(int, int);
      Pair(const Pair &);

需要指出的两件事是,pa/pb 是指向整数的指针,而不仅仅是整数,而且即使我读到了“三巨头的规则”,它也解释了我是否有副本,但也没有赋值运算符的位置构造函数或析构函数我也应该有赋值运算符。


自定义构造函数 我认为这没问题:

 Pair::Pair (int a,int b) {
      int *pa = new int(a);
      int *pb = new int(b);
      std::cout << "pa points to value : " << *pa <<std::endl;
      std::cout << "pb points to value : " << *pb <<std::endl;
      std::cout << "custom constructor resolved "<<std::endl;

复制构造函数 请原谅我只是试图排除故障的所有评论。

    Pair::Pair(const Pair &obj) {

    int *const * a = &obj.pa;
    int *const * b = &obj.pb;
    int *pa = new int;
    int *pb = new int;
    pa = *a;
    pb = *b;

    std::cout << "obj.pa address is : " << &obj.pa <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "obj.pb address is : " << &obj.pb <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "obj.pa points at : " << obj.pa <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "obj.pb points at : " << obj.pb <<std::endl;

    std::cout << "pa address is : " << &pa <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "pb address is : " << &pb <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "pa is pointing at : " << pa <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "pb is pointing at : " << pb <<std::endl;
    std::cout << "copy constructor called "<<std::endl;

析构函数 我认为我在这个方面做得很好:

    Pair::~Pair() {
      delete pa; pa = nullptr;
      std::cout << "pa deleted " << std::endl;

      delete pb; pb = nullptr;
      std::cout << "pb deleted " << std::endl;

主要 系列测试

int main() {
  Pair p(15,16);
  Pair q(p);
  Pair *hp = new Pair(23,42);
  delete hp;

  std::cout << "If this message is printed,"
    << " at least the program hasn't crashed yet!\n"
    << "But you may want to print other diagnostic messages too." << std::endl;
  return 0;

看着这个程序将创建一对 p; 然后创建一个深拷贝对 q;然后创建一个指向对 hp 的指针,该指针指向堆上的一对 23,42;然后删除指向配对 hp 的指针。除了复制构造函数之外,一切似乎都可以正常编译和运行。主要问题是 &obj.pa 似乎只是在提取对象 obj 的指针 *pa 指向的地址,而不是检索实际的取消引用值。

有关其他信息,这里是执行 .main 时的终端输出(添加其他评论):

pa points to value : 15            // pair p.pa correct
pb points to value : 16            // pair p.pb correct
custom constructor resolved        // pair p made
obj.pa address is : 0x7fff1887c780 // address original object pointer pa stored 
obj.pb address is : 0x7fff1887c788 // address original object pointer pb stored
obj.pa points at : 0x2             // address pointer obj pa is directed to (I want the value not this)
obj.pb points at : 0x40102d        // address pointer obj pb is directed to (I wand the value not this)
pa address is : 0x7fff1887c728     // pa address on stack
pb address is : 0x7fff1887c730     // pb address on stack
pa is pointing at : 0x2            // address value copied not address itself
pb is pointing at : 0x40102d       // address value copied not address itself
copy constructor called            // copy constructor runs through albeit incorrect
pa points to value : 23            // hp.pa
pb points to value : 42            // hp.pb
custom constructor resolved        // constructor made on heap from pointer hp
pa deleted deleted original pa     // (made from pointer to pair hp)
pb deleted deleted original pa     // (made from pointer to pair hp)
If this message is printed, at least the program hasn't crashed yet!
But you may want to print other diagnostic messages too.
pa deleted                         // deleted original pa (made from pair p)
pb deleted                         // deleted original pb (made from pair p)

我运行并在所有执行后得到'Segmentation Fault',我不太明白。并且在 C++ 中这么早,我什至对我的术语没有信心来帮助我的搜索能力。

标签: c++pointersdata-structurescopy-constructor




Pair::Pair (int a,int b) {
    int *pa = new int(a);
    int *pb = new int(b);


Pair::Pair (int a,int b) {
    pa = new int(a);
    pb = new int(b);





Pair::Pair(const Pair &obj) {
    pa = new int(*obj.pa);
    pb = new int(*obj.pb);

与其他构造函数中的代码相同,只是我们使用 from 的值而不是参数的值来初始化整数obj


Pair::Pair(const Pair &obj) {
    int a = *obj.pa;
    int b = *obj.pb;
    pa = new int(a);
    pb = new int(b);
