首页 > 解决方案 > Java Stack 因某种原因变为空


我正在开发一个将调用 DarkSky 天气 API 的 Android 应用程序(出于显而易见的原因,我在这里编辑了我的 API 密钥)。当我解析 JSON 数据并将其推送到我命名为 dataStack 的堆栈时,我的问题就出现了。在推送堆栈时,我记录了它的大小并正确显示。但是,当我的代码到达 buildGraph() 方法时,堆栈现在是空的,我的所有数据都消失了。是什么导致堆栈为空?

编辑:在发布后 30 分钟,我找到了一种解决方法。我现在返回字符串并在我的 MainActivity Android 类中解析它。但是,我仍然不知道为什么堆栈被删除。我愿意知道 :)

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    Button button;
    TextView progressLabel;

    GraphView graph;

    JSONObject jsonObject;

    static Stack<DataPoint> dataStack = new Stack<>(); // stack for graph data points

    static final String API_URL = "https://api.darksky.net/forecast/API_KEY/42.3611,-71.0570,"; // #TODO: delete API key before comitting to GitHub
    static final String URL_TAIL = "?exclude=currently,flags,hourly"; // end of URL
    static final long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L; // current UNIX time
    static long unixTime = currTime;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        button = findViewById(R.id.button);
        progressLabel = findViewById(R.id.progressLabel);

        graph =  findViewById(R.id.graph);

    public void loadResults(View view) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) { // 7 API calls for each of 7 days
            new APICall().execute();
            unixTime -= 86400; // subtract 24 hours in UNIX time
        buildGraph(); // after all data is gathered, build a graph using it

    private void buildGraph() {
// #TODO: Method to build graph
        Log.i("STACK pop", String.valueOf(dataStack.size())); 

    class APICall extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> { // Extend AsyncTask so we don't hijack the main UI thread

        protected void onPreExecute() {
            // Do stuff before executing the AsyncTask
            progressLabel.setText("Fetching Data");

        protected String doInBackground(Void... urls) {
            // Execute background task here

            try {
                final String FULL_URL = API_URL + unixTime + URL_TAIL; // build the full URL with latest time
                URL url = new URL(FULL_URL); // URL for the API call
                HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); // connection to URL
                try {
                    // tools for reading API results
                    BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream()));
                    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    String line;
                    // accumulate results
                    while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {

                    bufferedReader.close(); // always close buffered reader

                     return stringBuilder.toString(); // return results
                finally {
                    // inside a finally block so that no matter what we always end a connection that has been started
                    urlConnection.disconnect(); // end the connection

            catch(Exception ex) {
                Log.e("ERROR", ex.getMessage(), ex);
                return null;

        protected void onPostExecute(String response) {
            // Do stuff after we're finished executing

            if (response == null) {
                response = "AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED";
            else {
                try {
                    jsonObject = new JSONObject(response); // create object from our response
                    JSONArray arr = jsonObject.getJSONObject("daily").getJSONArray("data"); // get data Array
                    String arrString = arr.getString(0); // full String
                    String[] splitString = arrString.split(","); // split String into array by comma

                    String time = splitString[0].substring(8); // time is the first index of the array, use substring to cutout unecessary info
                    String temp = splitString[11].substring(18);

                    dataStack.push(new DataPoint(Integer.valueOf(time), Float.valueOf(temp))); // push our data onto the stack as a DataPoint

                    Log.i("STACK push", String.valueOf(dataStack.toString()));

                    response = "Data received"; // display this to user
                catch(Exception ex) {
                    response = "ERROR DURING JSON PARSING";


            // parse data here
            Log.i("INFO", response);



标签: javaandroidapi



    public void loadResults(View view) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) { // 7 API calls for each of 7 days
            new APICall().execute();
            unixTime -= 86400; // subtract 24 hours in UNIX time
        buildGraph(); // after all data is gathered, build a graph using it

您发出new APICall().execute();请求数据并更新dataStack您希望dataStack在同一函数中“立即”获得结果loadResults()?这是不可能的。

一种解决方案是将buildGraph()in loadResults()to inside删除onPostExecute()
